EN: "I know a bank… where the wild thyme grows. "CN: “我知道一处浅滩… 铺满了狂野的百里香。” EN: The mind is a strange and wonderful thing. I'm not sure...
It snowed that day, though it was already the season for cherry blossoms, It was like an April Fool's joke, when you never know what's true and what's not.
EN: - Then what? Is it a geometry problem? Or algebra?- It's a triangle problem.CN: - 那是什么问题?几何问题还是代数问题?- 是三角的问题。 EN: Nobody can be with you all...
There were lots of trees where I was born too. Andiroba trees… Jacaranda trees… It was the only thing I liked about that place.
"If my guardian angel is the one I know, he'll protect glass from stone."
EN: Why do people not just do this… all the time?CN: 人们为什么不能一直做爱呢? EN: I have become the very thing I hate… a grasping succubus of...
I've always said that writers know less about the real world than almost anyone else.
EN: Seems you get more cunning with age.CN: 人老了好像就会有些坏心眼。 EN: Τhe odd creature seems to haνe taken a liking to me.CN: 我总是被奇怪的东西喜欢。 EN: Τhe country's...
For real… have you found the will to work really hard on something just once in your life?
EN: People are more than their worst deed.CN: 恶行不能完全代表一个人。 EN: Well, writers have to be non-judgmental. You can't write interesting characters and be critical of...
For, l quite agree that a poet's description of a love chalice is more beautiful… Or a dewy lilly.