Whoever wants her, has her. He gives her.
After lunch, people sink… Heavy sleep. Yet everyone waits for something like that. Storms are expected. Just a hole in the sky. It fills in straight away.
在沙湾拿吉,湄公河,河流在原始森林与金黄色稻田之间流过。当时,缓慢的小艇… 航行了好些日子。入夜,一群群蚊子爬在蚊帐上… 遮得什么都看不到,蚊帐也变黑了,天空也变得低沉,河水泛着泥土的颜色。
The Mekong, at Savannakhet, flowing yellow between forest and rice fields. In those days the launches were slow. It took days… At sunset, the mosquitoes… We couldn't see a thing. Black clusters on the netting. The sky is low. The water, muddy.
Look at the sky… sick. That thickness… that dirt, throughout the night.
I love Michael Richardson. I'm not free of that love.
她一定是途径老挝、柬埔寨、暹罗和缅甸,从那儿继续向南,翻山越岭,走过曼德勒、巴森,这一定不是一步之遥,而是百步、千步之行,每一步都成为了最后一步,饥饿驱使着你不断向前,一直向前行。她必须通过陆路、铁路,乘船,穿过森林。这些空地,这些峡谷、这些茶道、战争之路、迁徙之路,奇怪,她总是朝着日落方向走去,迎着红日,当然是在黄昏时,御着冷风前行。她谢了顶 ,可能是因为饥饿、发烧与恐惧,她留在加尔各答的是沙湾拿吉之歌,以及她的欢声笑语。当她抵达加尔各答,为时已晚,脑部空空,心已死,那儿可能就是她走失的地方,从生命之初起,她就一直试图走失。
She must have crossed Loas, Cambodia, Siam, and Burma Started going South from there, through the valley, Mandalay, Bassen. It musn't be a single walk, but a hundred, a thousand of walks. Each of them being the last one. The hunger, that pushes you further away, always further away. She must follow the roads, the rails, the boats. Across the forest. These clearings, these breachings. The roads of the tea, of wars, of migration. Strange, she always walks toward the sunset. Red suns. At nightfall certainly, in the cooler air. She is bald. Starvation probably, fever, fear. What remains of her in Calcutta: the song of Savannakhet, the language. When she gets to Calcutta it's already too late. The head is empty, the heart is dead. That's where she gets lost, maybe. She always tried to get lost, since the beginning of her life.