100 Yen Love

100 Yen Love

百円の恋 (Original Title)

Ichiko, who has long since passed her prime, is bored with her family's cooking business and spends her days playing games and killing her nephew. Feeling unwanted by her family, Ichiko moves out of the house and takes a job as a cashier at the 100 yen supermarket she frequents. The shop is full of strange people, including a melancholic shop manager, a nosy co-worker, and an old lady who was fired for stealing but keeps coming back for expired food.


EN: Life isn't fair.
CN: 人生是很现实的。

EN: That helicopter is spraying poison. The poison causes infertility.
CN: 那台直升机在散播毒气呢,让人不孕的毒气。

EN: If you're a guy, then have some tofu! If you're a girl, you can still have tofu!
CN: 男人喜欢吃豆腐,女人更要吃豆腐。

EN: It's quite problematic. People like you… sometimes even men, they come here near the cut-off age. They realize they haven't got a lot going for themselves and think competitions will help. Boxing isn't something you do to fulfill yourself.
CN: 你们这种人真的很伤脑筋,偶尔也有男人一大把年纪了,突然发觉生命很空虚,吵着说要上场比赛,拳击不是让你们自我满足的道具啊。

EN: Do this 500 times every day. After you've done it for 10 days, you'll be ready.
CN: 从今天起每天练500次,10天后就打回去。

EN: For real… have you found the will to work really hard on something just once in your life?
CN: 你想说人生至少要全力燃烧一次是吗?

EN: Because I'm a 100-yen kind of woman.
CN: 因为我是只值100圆的女人。

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