EN: All land can be used. 1/3 of the kingdom is deserted. It is a stain on our country. I can conquer the earth and build the first colony on the moor.
CN: 是土地都可以耕种,三分之一的国土荒芜,这是耻辱我,能征服土壤,在荒野上建立第一个殖民地。
EN: If a cow was needed there would be a cow.
CN: 如果需要一头牛,那就会有一头牛。
EN: The moor is God's nature in all its splendour. Why castrate a wild beast? Did not God put man on earth to create civilisation?
CN: 荒原是上帝的光辉本质,为何不能留一点野性,上帝造人不是为了创造文明吗?
EN: God has nothing to do with civilisation to do with civilisation. God is chaos. Life is chaos.
CN: 上帝与文明无关,神明是混沌的,生活是混乱的。
EN: Life is chaos, Louis. Cunt, cock, shit, blood, chaos. We can't control shit. It is when we recognise it that we can enjoy our insignificant lives.
CN: 生活是混乱的,路易斯,逼、鸡巴、屎、血、混乱,我们无能为力,只有认清现实才能苟活于世。
EN: Things rarely turn out the way we imagined them, Louis.
CN: 人生不如意十之八九,路易斯。