没有人知道拉尤斯. 巴拉托尼是谁,他来自哪里,去向何处,他的父亲或祖父是谁,这很重要 因为我们看到的是某件事的结局,但是,如果有结局的话 开头也同样重要。
No one would know who Lajos Balatoni really was, or no one would be interested in where he came from, where he was heading, who his father or grandfather was. But maybe this is only because it's the end of something. If something comes to an end, then its beginning will also be important.
For, l quite agree that a poet's description of a love chalice is more beautiful… Or a dewy lilly.
lf you were a rosebud, a rosebud, I would be a bee. I'd buzz up to you…
I've got my own theory that it's not the world that makes cunt go around, but it's cunt that makes the world go around…
This is a totally different wofld. It needs a different personality.
每个人都对什么 比较重要有自己的看法,对一些人来说是空间,对另一些人来说,是时间。
Of course, different things are important for different people. For some, it is space. And for others, time.