EN: This place was crabgrass and weeds, and you brought it back to life.
CN: 这地方杂草丛生一片荒芜,是你给这里带来了生机。
EN: Being old can be a lonely thing. Turn a certain age, you cease to exist. Cease to matter.
CN: 变老是一件孤独的事,到了一定年龄好像你就隐身了,不重要了。
EN: I believe there's good in the universe.
CN: 我相信宇宙是美好的。
EN: Taking from an elderly person is as bad as stealing from a child. Maybe worse. Someone hurts a child, there are parents. People who care, ready to step in. Someone hurts an older person… sometimes they're left to face the hornets alone. Because either it goes unnoticed… or no one cares.
CN: 诈骗老年人就像偷小孩子的东西一样糟糕,也许更糟。有人伤害了孩子还有父母在,守护者随时可以介入,伤害老年人…有时, 他们只能独自面对大黄蜂,因为他们要么不被注意….要么无人在意。
EN: For someone who has elevated fucking up into an art form, this might well be your Mona Lisa.
CN: 对于一个将"搞砸"升华为一种艺术形式的人来说,这很可能就是你的"蒙娜丽莎"。
EN: In a beehive, there is something called a "queen slayer." It's a bee that will rise up and kill the queen if she produces defective offspring.
CN: 在蜂巢中, 有一种被称为 "蜂后杀手",一种会站出来杀死蜂后的蜜蜂,假如她生出的后代有缺陷。
EN: Gotta go run the free world.
CN: 我得去管理自由世界了。