The Teahouse

The Teahouse

茶馆 (Original Title)

At the turn of the century, ancient China is undergoing unprecedented changes, and the young proprietor of the Yutai Teahouse in Beijing, mindful of his father's teachings, welcomes guests from all directions with dignity and care. In the small teahouse, people from all walks of life come and go...


- I have to say what I have to say. The magistrate was hung from a tree and whipped to death.
- Where did this happen?
- Jiangxi
- Who dares to bully the magistrate?
- Who dares? The foreigners.
- 哪怕什么的,该说的我就得说,县太爷怎么着,照样让人家给吊在树上,活活儿地抽死了,这事儿闹的
- 呦 这是哪儿的事儿呀
- 江西
- 有这事儿,谁敢欺负县太爷呀
- 谁敢?洋人。

I tell you, if you don't stop smoking, you'll never have any luck in your life.

The British and French allied forces burned down the Yuanmingyuan, and you were paid by the government, but you were not seen fighting in the war.

The first thing you said was that you said that the foreigners were good at what they did, and that they were eating foreign food, believing in foreign religions and speaking foreign languages, and that you could always find the county governor of Wanping County.

- Even snuff has to come from abroad. How much silver has to flow out of the country?
- The Qing Dynasty has mountains of silver and gold, and it will never end.
- 连鼻烟儿也得打外洋来,这得往外流多少银子
- 咱大清国有的是金山银山,永远流不完。

- How can I live up to my daughter if I ask her to be a wife to a eunuch?
- Think about it, once the girl is married, she eats delicacies and wears silk and linen. But in your village, can you find ten taels of silver? In the countryside, five pounds of white flour can be exchanged for a child, as you know.
- 叫孩子给太监做老婆 那我怎么对得起女儿呀,卖女儿 无论怎么卖也对不起女儿
- 糊涂哇,你想想,姑娘一过门,吃的是珍馐美味,穿的是绫罗绸缎,这不造化吗,从古至今哪有,高桩儿的柿子嘞,涩嘞换嘞,摇头儿不算点头儿算,咱来干脆的,他就给十两银子,可这你们那村儿,找得出十两银子来不,在乡下五斤白面就换个孩子,你不是不知道。

- It's not like there's anything wrong with the countryside that makes it so difficult to sell your children.
- That's right. How else could a dog be born in Beijing?
- 乡下也不是怎么了 会闹得这么卖儿卖女的
- 说的是 要不怎么说是条狗也得托生在北京城呢。

- How many foreign things do we have in our possession? Old Liu, just look at you, foreign snuff, foreign watches, foreign satin shirts, foreign trousers and coats.
- If I had to wear a rustic trouser coat and look like a country bumpkin, who would care about me?
- 咱们一个人身上得有多少洋玩意儿,老刘,就看你吧,洋鼻烟儿,洋表,洋缎大衫儿,洋布裤褂儿
- 我要穿一身儿土布裤褂儿,像个乡下脑壳,那谁理我呀。

- I'm not only taking back the house, but I'm selling all the land in the city and the countryside.
- Why are you doing this?
- The only way to save the poor, the only way to resist foreign goods, and the only way to save the country is to put the capital together and open a factory, a big, big factory.
- 我不单要收回房子,连城里的买卖乡下的地,全卖了
- 您这是为什么呀?
- 把本钱拢在一块儿,开工厂,开个顶大顶大的工厂,那才能救得了穷人,那才能抵制外货,那才能救国。

For more than 20 years, ask them if they have ever increased my wages. They improve anything except my salary.

I love our country, but who loves me? I just picked up some paper money when I saw a funeral, I don't have a coffin, I don't have a birthday suit, so I have to prepare some paper money for myself.
我爱咱们的国呀,他谁爱我呀,这不是,碰见出殡的,我就捡下这么点儿纸钱儿,没有棺材呀,没有寿衣呀,只好给自己预备下点儿纸钱儿吧,四爷,让咱们祭奠祭奠咱们自己,您把那纸钱儿您撒起来,算咱们三个老头子的吧,四哥诶,咱们呐,按照老日年间的规矩,咱们喊喊 喊喊 喊喊,四角儿跟夫,本家儿赏钱一百二十吊,一百二十吊,一百二十吊,一百二十吊。


哎 我大傻杨 他打竹板儿
那个大茶馆儿 是老裕泰
那茶座儿多 是真热闹
这有的说 是有的唱
那个有提笼 是有架鸟
那有的吃 是有的喝
您爱下棋 是来两盘儿
哎 王掌柜的大发财说金银财宝一齐来
那你有钱来我有嘴 数来宝的是穷鬼

啊说他完 啊他就完
啊现而今 啊到了民国
那个闹军阀 是乱打仗
那个赵打钱 是孙打李
他为打仗 是买枪炮
说一堆一堆 给洋人老爷送钞票
为卖炮 是为卖枪
老百姓 可遭了殃
他后边儿住着大学生 说话文明真好听
哎 那个他开张 是我道喜
哎呦 王掌柜 道喜道喜
这个老裕泰 是大改良

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