The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Original Title)

Bilbo Baggins is a Hobbit in his 100s, living in his homeland of the Shire, adventurous by nature, and on a quest in his youth, he receives the Ring of Supreme Power from the monster Gollum, a ring of supreme power created by the dark lord Sauron, with the evil power to enslave the world...

History became legend...legend became myth.

The hearts of Men...are easily corrupted.

Sam...I'm glad you are with me.

- You're late.
- A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
- 你迟到了
- 巫师从不迟到,佛罗多·巴金斯,也不会早到,他一定是准时到达。

Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life.

I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.

You shall not pass!

Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.

You were quick enough to trust the Elves. Have you so little faith in your own people? Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men. But you will not see that.

I'm sorry I brought this upon you, my boy. I'm sorry that you must carry this burden. I'm sorry for everything. The Ring-bearer is setting out on the Quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath...nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of Elves and Men...and all Free Folk go with you.
很抱歉把你卷进这事 孩子,很抱歉要你承受如此重担,我对一切都很抱歉,持戒人即将踏上前往末日山的路途,对于你们这些随行人员而言,没有誓言,或是约束限制你们一定要走多远,再会了,不要忘记你们的使命,愿来自精灵,人类,及所有自由之士的祝福伴你们同行。

To heal my heart and drown my woe.
Rain may fall and wind may blow.
But there still be many miles to go.
Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain.
And the stream that falls from hill to plain.
Better than rain or rippling brook.
Is a mug of beer inside this Took.

The finest rockets ever seen
They burst in stars of blue and green
Or after thunder, silver showers
Came falling like a rain of flowers
Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road.
此生所见 最美华光
如同蓝绿色的星火 在空中绽放
一声巨响 银光如瀑
就像倾泻的花雨 绚烂夺目

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