The Rose Tattoo

The Rose Tattoo (1955)

The Rose Tattoo (Original Title)

EN: If a man's wild, he's hard for a woman to hold. But if he's tame, would a woman want to hold him?
CN: 女人跟温驯的男人在一起有什么意思?

EN: I'm sick of men, and I'm sick of women.
CN: 我厌恶男人,也厌恶女人。

EN: Grief is a natural and dignified thing, but like every other emotion, Serafina, it can become excessive. Then… Then it becomes a sort of self-indulgence.
CN: 悲伤是高贵且自然的表现,但就如同其他感情的表达,很可能就会变成极端,而后耽迷。

EN: To me the marriage was beautiful, like a religion. Now my marriage is dreams and memories only. And I don't believe that the man I keep in my heart gave me horns.
CN: 对我而言,婚姻是美好的,就有如信仰,但现在我的婚姻也只剩下梦想和回忆而已。

EN: There are some people, they want to make everything dirty. Everything dirty, believe me.
CN: 就有些人喜欢把一切都弄得很脏,把一切都弄得很脏,相信我。

EN: Love and affection in a world that… that's lonely and cold. Yeah, it might be lonely, but I would not say cold on this particular day. Love and affection is what I got to offer on hot or cold days in this lonely old world. I got nothing else. Mangiacavallo has nothing.
CN: 在这个寂寞无情的世界,世界可能寂寞,但这个时代,我并不觉得无情,爱与情感是我所能给的,不管是在热情或无情的世界上,我,孟基卡罗除此什么也没有。

EN: It's always for everybody the time of the roses. The rose is… The rose is the heart of the world like the… Like the heart is the heart of the body.
CN: 每个人任何时候都可以戴玫瑰,玫瑰是世界的核心,就有如心磁是人体的核心。

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