K-PAX by Joe Miller


K-PAX (Original Title)

A man in sunglasses who calls himself Proctor suddenly appears at New York's Central Park Station, claiming to be from the planet K-PAX, a thousand light-years from Earth near the constellation Lyra, and has come to Earth at superluminal speeds to investigate. Proctor is admitted to a Manhattan mental hospital as a psychopath and is treated by Dr. Mark Powell.


EN: A soap bubble is round… because it is the most energy-efficient configuration. Similarly, on your planet, I look like you.
CN: 肥皂泡是圆的,因为那是最有能量效率的形状,同样的,在你的星球上,我像你。

EN: The reproductive process is quite unpleasant for us. Like a toothache? It's more like having your nuts in a vlse, except we feel it all over. And to make matters worse, the sensation is associated… with something like your nausea, accompanied by a very bad smell. The moment of climax is like being kicked in the stomach, and then falling into a pool of mod droppings. A mod is a being, much like your skunk, only far more potent.
CN: 我们生殖的过程并不愉快,像是牙痛,比较像睾丸被夹到,痛不欲生,更糟的是那种感觉让你觉得反胃,同时闻到臭味,高潮的时候像胃被踢了一脚,然后掉进摩特的粪便里,摩特就像你们的臭鼬,不过比它更臭。

EN: You humans, most of you, subscribe to this policy of "an eye for an eye, a life for a life," which is known throughout the universe… for its stupidity. Even your Buddha and your Christ had quite a different vision, but nobody's paid much attention to them, not even the Buddhists or the Christians.
CN: 你们人类大多数的人赞同"以牙还牙,一命还一命",这种手段在全宇宙都认为是愚蠢的,连你们的佛祖和耶稣都反对,可是连他们的教徒都把他们的话当耳边风。

EN: You should smell the york blossoms on my planet… in a gentle breeze. Pretty much like your sugarplums.
CN: 在我的星球,约克的芬芳,随微风吹来就像你们的蜜李。

EN: You know what I realized, Dr. Powell? Dying. Dying's something you have no control over. Why waste your life being afraid of it? I'll sleep on my stomach from now on. I'll eat fish with bones in it. I'll swallow the biggest pill you can find. Bring it on. I feel good.
CN: 你知道我想通了什么吗?死亡。死亡不是我能控制的,何必一天到晚自己吓自己,我现在敢趴着睡,有刺的鱼我也敢吃,多大粒的药我都敢吞,我感觉很好。

EN: You know what I've learned about your planet? There's enough life on Earth to fill 50 planets… plants, animals, people, fungi, viruses… all jostling to find their place, bouncing off each other, feeding off each other, connected.
CN: 你知道我这一趟有什么感触?地球的生物多到能住满五十个星球,植物,动物,人,细菌,病毒… 你推我挤的,设法生存,撞来撞去,互相依赖,建立关系。

EN: On K-PAX, when I'm gone, nobody misses me. There would be no reason to. And yet I sense that when I leave here, I will be missed. Strange feeling.
CN: 就算我离开K派克斯也不会有人怀念我,因为没有理由,可是我觉得离开这里,我会被人怀念,奇怪的感觉。

EN: The universe will expand, then it will collapse back on itself, and then it will expand again. It will repeat this process forever.
CN: 宇宙会膨胀,然后缩回原形,然后再膨胀,如此周而复始。

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