The Bakery Girl Of Monceau

The Bakery Girl Of Monceau

La boulangère de Monceau (Original Title)

Early new wave effort from Rohmer which was the first of his six moral tales. It concerns a young man who approaches a girl in the street, but after several days without seeing her again, he becomes involved with the girl in the local bakery. Eventually he has to choose between them when he arranges dates with them on the same day.

These late-afternoon patrols were hot, dull and tiring. The market offered variety, coolness, and the strong argument of food. My stomach tempted me, tired of cafeterias, and anticipating vacation, it craved, the gastronomic interlude which cherry season offers.

I was young, and foolishly, I hoped to suddenly see her appear in a window or emerge from a shop, and, once again, find herself face to face with me.

At my age, you hate nothing more than shopping.

I didn't dare turn, and the walk seemed endless.

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