Heaven & Earth

Heaven & Earth

Heaven & Earth (Original Title)

Le Ly is a Vietnamese girl whose family life remains happy despite the poverty in her home. But with the outbreak of the Vietnam War, disaster is about to strike her. During the Vietnam War, Le Ly is captured by government forces for supporting the Vietcong guerrillas and experiences inhumane treatment.


EN: If Vietnam were truly for the Vietnamese people… shouldn't we be able to choose the kind of government we want? A nation cannot have 2 governments any more than a family can have 2 fathers.
CN: 如果越南真的是越南人的越南,我们就有权选择什么样的政府,一个国家不能有两个政府,就像一个家不能有两个父亲。

EN: Freedom is never a gift, be Ly. It must be won and won again. You know that?
CN: 黎里,自由不是天赐,必须反复争取,懂吗?

EN: They say they all have blind blue eyes behind their glasses. If you take their shoes off, they have soft feet and cry in pain. Take away their glasses, their boots, they can't fight.
CN: 听说他们都是戴墨镜的蓝眼睛瞎子,如果脱掉他们的靴子他们就会痛得哇哇叫,拿掉墨镜和靴子,就打不了仗了。

EN: Men are like dogs pissing on posts. They go once, they go twice.
CN: 男人像找柱子撒尿的狗,有一就有二。

EN: Americans are thu vo thuy vo chung. They have no beginning and no end. They don't care about their ancestors. So they think they are free to do any bad thing they want.
CN: 美国人“无始无终”,太现实,不敬祖先,因此为非作歹肆无忌弹。

EN: One thing I learn. In marriage, just one person can't be happy. One miserable, both miserable. That the way life works.
CN: 我学会了一件事,夫妻不可能一个人幸福,一个人痛苦,两人都痛苦,人生就是这样。

EN: The more I killed, the more they gave me to kill. You know what it's like? It's like being eaten alive… from the inside out by sharks. You gotta keep hitting and moving… because if you stop, the sharks will eat you alive.
CN: 我杀得越多,要杀的目标就越多,你知道这像什么吗,就像要被鲨鱼,活活吃掉,你得不停地打击,出击,只要一停,就会被鲨鱼活活吃掉了。

EN: All we had to hold on to was the future… because we knew that future would not arrive unless we won. So we kept dying, no matter what… just like ants beneath the elephant's feet. It wasn't because we were brave. Because we had no choice. Our freedom was all… all that mattered.
CN: 当年我们只能寄希望于未来,因为我们明白除非打胜了,不然没有未来,所以我们前仆后继,就像大象脚下的蚂蚁,并非我们英勇,而是别无选择,自由就是一切,一切的一切。

EN: If you ask me, rebuilding a nation after a war… is like trying to start a family by getting raped! If war produces one thing, it's many cemeteries. And in cemeteries there are no enemies.
CN: 我认为靠战争重建一个国家就像用强奸来成家,战争的结局就是遍地的坟墓,而坟墓里的死人无所谓敌人。

EN: Tears are God's way of paying you back… for what He's taken. I have no more tears. I have cried them out to all directions of the wind.
CN: 菩萨回报的是眼泪,我已经没有眼泪了,我哭干的眼泪已经随风四散。

EN: If the monks were right… and nothing happens without cause… then the gift of suffering is to bring us closer to God… to teach us to be strong when we are weak… to be brave when we are afraid… to be wise in the midst of confusion… and to let go of that which we can no longer hold.
CN: 如果和尚说得对,万般皆有因,那么苦难使我们更贴近神,让我们软弱时变坚强,懦弱时变勇敢,迷惑时变聪慧,该放手时须放手。

EN: Lasting victories are won in the heart… not on this land or that.
CN: 心灵的胜利才是永恒的胜利,而不是这块或那块土地。

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