Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut

Eyes Wide Shut (Original Title)

While attending a party at the home of one of his patrons, a local celebrity, with his wife, William, a doctor, coincidentally runs into one of his college classmates, Nick, who is working as a pianist at the party. That night, William is out on business. After taking care of business, he meets Nick again at a bar, where Nick tells him about a secret ball where all the people are dressed in tuxedos and masks, and there are naked beauties everywhere.


EN: You know why women used to get married, don't you? It was the only way they could lose their virginity… and be free to do what they wanted with other men. The ones they really wanted.
CN: 你知道女人为什么习惯于结婚吗?那是她们能失去童贞,然后和其他男人尽情作乐的唯一方法,和她们真正想要的男人。

EN: Don't you think one of the charms of marriage… is that it makes deception a necessity for both partie.
CN: 你不觉得婚姻的魅力之一… 就是有必要为了对方而编造谎言吗?

EN: Millions of years of evolution, right? Men have to stick it every place they can… but for women, it is just about security and commitment… and whatever the fuck else!
CN: 数百万年的进化结果,对不对?男人有机会就到处鬼混,但对女人而言就只是安全感和责任感,以及其他的鬼话。

EN: Only as sure as I am… that the reality of one night let alone that of a whole lifetime… can ever be the whole truth. And no dream is ever… just a dream. The important thing is… we're awake now… and hopefully… for a long time to come. Forever.
CN: 我能肯定的只是一个晚上的真实性远远说不上一辈子,能随时做到完全真实,而一场梦也不会仅仅是一场梦,重要的是我们醒过来了,而且希望能一直这样下去,永远。

EN: There is something very important… that we need to do as soon as possible. Fuck.
CN: 有件事非常重要…我们应该尽快去做,做爱。

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