Cairo Station

Cairo Station

باب الحديد (Original Title)

Kinawi, a physically challenged peddler who makes his living selling newspapers in the central Cairo train station, is obsessed by Hannouma, an attractive young woman who sells drinks. While she treats Kinawi in a sympathetic way and jokes with him about a possible relationship, She is actually in love with Abu Sri', a strong and respected porter at the station who is struggling to unionize his fellow workers to combat their boss' exploitative and abusive treatment.


EN: Crowds confuse me. We'll live far from other people. We'll work the land, keep some cows, and live happily ever after…
CN: 人群经常让我迷惑,得远离人群生活。我们会种地,养牛,然后幸福地生活。

EN: Don't be so sad. Marriages are made in Heaven.
CN: 用不着难过,结婚这种事是上天注定的。

EN: Every minute, a train departs, and every minute, another one arrives. Thousands of people meet, thousands of others bid farewell. People from North and South, natives and foreigners, the rich and the poor, people with jobs and people without them.
CN: 每分钟,火车到了又走,人们于此相见和告别,来自天南地北的来客,有本地人和外国人,有富人和穷人,也有打工人和无业者。

EN: That girl won't stop until a train hits her one of these days. She's like a cat, she's got nine lives.
CN: 火车不撞她这妞不会罢休的,她就像猫一样有九条命。

EN: God protect us. All these new-fangled ideas lead straight to hell. Curse be these modern idiocies.
CN: 真主保佑我们,都是这些新主意把人直接送进地狱啊,诅咒这些新东西。

EN: Forewarned is forearmed.
CN: 凡事预则立。

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