Breathless 1960


À bout de souffle (Original Title)

Penniless street gangster Michel steals a small car from Marseille. On his way to Paris, he is caught by the police for speeding. To get away, he shoots a policeman and arrives in Paris, where he hides from the police except for his girlfriend Patricia, who works as a journalist and is wanted by the police...


On the kiss's beveled edge, Time is a void.

I don't know if I am sad because I lost my freedom or if I lost my freedom because I am sad.

I always fall for girls who aren't my type.

Casanova said that there's no woman who can't be seduced with displays of gratitude.

A woman will never do in eight seconds what she'll gladly do eight days later.

When you're scared or surprised, or both at once, there's a funny glint in your eyes. I wanna sleep with you again, because of that glint.

You know, you said I'm scared. It's true, I'm scared. Because I want you to love me. But at the same time, I want you to stop loving me.

Between grief and blankness, I choose grief.

- Are French women romantically different from American women?
- French women are totally unlike American women. The American woman dominates the man. The French woman doesn't dominate him yet.
- 美国女人的浪漫跟法国女人不同吗?
- 法国女人,跟美国女人截然不同,美国女人支配着男人,法国女人还没有支配男人。

The French always say one second when they mean five minutes.

- What's your greatest ambition?
- To become immortal, and then die.
- 你最大的追求是什么?
- 成就不死之身 然后死去

That's a pathetic argument. You're like the girl who sleeps with everyone...except the one man who loves her...saying it's because she sleeps with everyone.

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