Asteroid City by Jack Niles

Asteroid City

Asteroid City (Original Title)

Set in a fictional American desert town in 1955, the town is hosting a Young Astronomers/Astronauts Convention, which was originally planned to bring together students and parents from all over the United States to compete in an academic competition and to compete for scholarships, but is unexpectedly disrupted by a major event that is about to change the world.


EN: When my father died, my mother told me, "He's in the stars." I told her, "The closest star, other than that one, "is four and half light-years away "with a surface temperature over 5,000 degrees centigrade." "He's not in the stars," I said. "He's in the ground."
CN: 我爸死掉时我妈说他去星星上了,我说除了那颗星星外,最近的星星在四点五光年之外,表面温度超过摄氏五千度,我说他不在星星上,他在土里。

EN: "Time heals all wounds." No. Maybe it can be a Band-Aid.
CN: “时间会治疗所有伤口“,不,时间顶多是创口贴而已。

EN: I think your sisters might be aliens, too, by the way. When I met your mother, she was only 19. She was smoking a cigarette, reading a paperback, taking a bath in a swimsuit on a rusty fire escape a flight and a half below my camera position. Sometimes, I sometimes still think I still hear her here breathing in the dark. Who knows, Woodrow? Maybe she is in the stars.
CN: 我想你的妹妹们可能也是外星人,我认识你妈妈时她才19岁,她当时叼着烟一边看书,一边在生锈的逃生梯上穿着泳衣泡澡,就在我相机下方一层楼半的地方,有时候我觉得好像还会听见她的声音,在黑暗中的呼吸声,谁知道呢,伍德罗,也许她在星星上。

EN: Players of the stage, a tribe of troubadours and nonconformists. They lead unconventional, sometimes dangerous lives, which nourish and elevate their artistic aspirations and illuminate the human condition.
CN: 舞台剧演员是一群吟游诗人和反叛者,他们过着非传统 有时危险的生活,滋养与升华他们的艺术理想,照亮人类的景况。

EN: I prefer to play abused, tragic alcoholics, and one day, I'll probably be discovered lifeless in an overflowing bathtub with an empty bottle of sleeping pills spilled all over the floor, but the sad thing is I'm actually a very gifted comedienne.
CN: 我喜欢演受虐的悲剧酗酒角色,也许有一天我会被人发现,在水溢出来的浴缸中死去,安眠药散落一地,还有空罐,可惜我其实是很有天分的喜剧演员。

EN: Sometimes I think I'd feel more at home.
CN: 有时候我觉得大气层以外才是我的归属。

EN: I think I see how I see us. I mean, I think I know now what I realize we are. Two catastrophically wounded people who don't express the depths of their pain because we don't want to.
CN: 我好像懂了我怎么看我们,我好像懂了我们到底是什么,两个受伤得体无完肤的人,却不想表现出自己伤得有多深。

EN: In my loneliness, or perhaps because of it, I've learned not to judge people, to take people as I find them, not as others find them, and most of all, to give complete and unquestioning faith to the people I love.
CN: 我在孤单寂寞时,或正因为我孤单,我学会不要批判别人,要相信我看到的而不是他人的评价,最重要的,要完全相信我爱的人。

EN: You can't wake up if you don't fall asleep.
CN: 你不睡着就无法醒来。

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