Sidewalk cafes, fluttering skirts, fleeting affairs. Paris was heaven until that day on the bus.
她身上有一种纯净和无邪… 几乎是令人仓皇失措地混合了… 性感的成熟和孩子般的纯真,打动了我疲倦的心,抹掉了我们之间的年龄差距。
There was a freshness and innocence about her, an almost disconcerting blend of sexual maturity and childish naivete that touched my world-weary heart and effaced the age difference between us.
Nothing ever surpassed the rapture of that first awakening. I might have been Adam with the taste of apple fresh in my mouth. I was looking at all the beauty in the world embodied in a single female form, and I knew, with sudden blinding certainty, this was it.
We didn't leave the apartment for 3 whole days after that. We were inseparable by day and insatiable by night. Just lived on love and stale croissants.
"我看到了天堂… 然后被弃置在d'Assas街上,天堂打开的大门… 砸在了我的脸上 "
"I'd been granted a glimpse of heaven, then dumped on the sidewalk of rue d'Assas. The gates of paradise had opened, only to slam in my face."
她的阴道是个清洁、朴素的裂口… 但一旦藏身其中的野兽被我的爱抚唤醒,它开始搅动… 拽下兽穴门前的丝帘… 然后变成一株食人花… 像婴儿的嘴唇… 贪婪地吮吸着我的手指,我喜欢用我的舌尖逗惹她的阴蒂… 然后再放开… 湿润而闪光… 像一只小鸭子在粉肉之池里嬉水。
Her pussy was a neat, discreet little cleft, but as soon as the animal within was roused by my caresses, it would stir, draw aside the silken curtain covering its lair, and become a carnivorous flower, a baby's mouth greedily sucking my finger. I loved to tease her clitoris with the tip of my tongue, then abandon it, wet and glistening, like a little duck dabbling in a pool of pink flesh.
每个人的心里都有不为人知的角落和裂痕,每一段恋情,不管看上去如何和谐… 都容纳了悲剧或者闹剧的种子。
Everyone has secret nooks and crannies. Every relationship, no matter how harmonious, contains seeds of farce or tragedy.
The seasons came and went. Mimi's face still held a thousand mysteries for me, her body a thousand sweet promises. But lurking at the back of my mind was an unspoken fear that we'd already scaled the heights of our relationship, that it would all be downhill from now on.
Children are a better form of marital therapy than any trip to India.
We should have stopped right there. Lovers should quit when their passion is at its peak, not wait until its inevitable decline. As it was, my desire for her had begun to wane. There she would lie, gorgeous, voluptuous, and it didn't do a thing for me. I came to resent her failure to excite me the way she used to. We were developing a narcotic dependence on television, the marital aid that enables a couple to endure each other without having to talk.
I would crush my lips against hers like you mash out a butt in an ashtray, but that was only a prelude to the most unoriginal act known to man-- the process referred to as copulation. I felt like a rat in a trap.
I could picture her looking out the window at that beautiful moon, the same one I could see, but I bet it didn't look the same to her. Depends on your state of mind, the way things grab you. To her, it must have been poison. To me, sweet as a peach.
My sense of freedom returned with a vengeance. I hadn't dumped Mimi for one particular woman. I'd swapped her for all womankind. And I resolved to make up for lost time.
No more emotional entanglements. I just wallowed in female flesh like a pig in clover, ricocheted from bed to bed, grabbed whatever was going, and hurried on. Every day held the promise of some new, short-lived sexual experience-- the shorter, the better. Every time I looked into one woman's eyes, I could see the reflection of the next.
We were like the survivors of a catastrophe so terrible, it formed a bond between us shared by no one else in the world. So the relationship had come full circle. We'd reached a plateau.