All Quiet on the Western Front 2022

All Quiet on the Western Front

Im Westen nichts Neues (Original Title)

Adapted from the classic novel of the same name written by Erich Maria Remarque, the film tells the story of Paul Baumann and his classmates Lyle and Miller, who joined the German National Volunteers during World War I and were sent to the front to fight against the French. On the battlefield, they witness brutal hunger, bloodshed and death, and the absurd ruthlessness of war takes Paul from fascination to disillusionment.


EN: Gentlemen, you'll be fighting in a godforsaken shithole. And you'll kindly do so with a clean G98. You will pamper it. You will love it. And damn it, you will keep it as immaculate as the thighs of the Holy Virgin.
CN: 各位,你们的战斗地点如同粪坑,你们的G98步枪最好干干净净的,你们要细心呵护它,好好爱它,它要像他妈的圣母的大腿一样干净。

EN: Everything here is like a fever. Not one person wants it but suddenly it's there. We didn't ask for it. The others didn't ask for it. But nonetheless it happened and nonetheless half the world is involved, mind you. God looks down at us murderers. Yeah, well. But what do I know? Nothing. I'm a pair of boots with a rifle.
CN: 这里的一切就像发烧一样,没人真的想要发烧,但它突然就来了,我们不想要,其他人也不想要,但我们来了,全世界也卷进来一半,上帝就这样看着,看着我们彼此屠杀,就是这样,但我又知道什么呢?我什么都不知道,我是一双带着步枪的靴子。

EN: Throw a dog a piece of meat. It will always snap it up. Give a man power. Man is a beast.
CN: 给狗扔一块肉,肯定会被叼走,给人一点权力的话,他会变得野蛮。

EN: All that's left separating us from an armistice is false pride, as I see it.
CN: ‎唯一阻碍我们停火的就是虚无的自尊。

EN: A man is alone when born. He lives alone and on his deathbed is alone.
CN: 独自来到世上的男人,独自活着,独自死去。

EN: At some point, we'll all die. But not on the home stretch. If you die before me, I'll kill you.
CN: 人迟早都要死,但不能在就要回家时死,如果你死在我前头,我会杀了你。

EN: These past two years of grenades can't be shed like an item of clothing. The stench will remain on us forever.
CN: 不断扔手榴弹的这两年,可不像臭袜子说脱就脱,‎我们永远无法去除这股恶臭。

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