Trainspotting by Posters BluMoo


Trainspotting (Original Title)

The film is based on Irvine Welsh's novel of the same name, Edinburgh, Scotland, Ryden, Potato and Sick Boy three young people living a chaotic life, they are drug addicts, promiscuous, fraudulent everything, and in the process of so recklessly squandered youth, drugs become the source of all evil. Ryden also love it and hate it, trying to get rid of drugs but eventually repeat the same mistake, after an indulgence, the three of them do not know who and the young girl Alison born baby died.


EN: Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact-disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol, and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisurewear and matching luggage. Choose a three-piece suite on hire...purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose D.I. Y. and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting, watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it, pissing your last in a miserable home. An embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats've spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life. I chose something else.
CN: 选择生活,选择工作,选择职业,选择家庭,选择个该死的大电视,选择洗衣机,小车,激光唱机,电动开罐机,选择健康,低胆固醇,牙医保险,选择楼宇按揭,选择首间楼宇,选择你的朋友,选择便服和皮箱,选择分期付款的三件头西装,选择DIY,选择周日醒来搞不懂自己是哪根葱,选择坐在沙发上,看狗屁电视,还一边往嘴里塞垃圾食物,选择烂命一条拿来丢人现眼,躺在老人院让人腻味,选择最无耻的勾当...用你的精子造出自私小鬼继续祸害,选择未来,选择生活。可我凭什么非得这么做,我选择不要生活,我选择其他。

EN: When you're on junk, you have only one worry. Scoring. When you're off it, you worry about all sorts of other shite. Got no money. Can't get drunk. Got money. Drinking too much. Can't get a girl. No chance of a ride. Got a girl. Too much hassle. You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never wins, about human relationships and all of the things that don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit.
CN: 做了道友,只要关心何时能爽,不做道友,鸡毛蒜皮够你操心到死,没酒喝怕干死,有酒喝怕醉死,没妞泡怕憋死,有妞泡怕烦死,要担心钱包不鼓,肚子不饱,心爱的球队一贯阳萎,还要担心人际关系,但只要诚心上瘾,乌烟瘴气顿变云开月明。

EN: Relinquishing junk, stage one. Preparation. For this you will need one room, which you will not leave. Soothing music. Tomato soup, 10 tins of. Mushroom soup, 8 tins of for consumption cold. Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of. Magnesia, milk of, one bottle. Paracetamol, mouthwash, vitamins, mineral water, Lucozade, pornography. One mattress. One bucket for urine, one for feces, and one for vomitus. One television. One bottle of Valium, which I procured from my mother, who is, in her own domestic and socially...acceptable way, also a drug addict. And now I'm ready. All I need is one final hit to soothe the pain while the Valium takes effect.
CN: 戒毒计划第一步,预备工作,首先需要一个房间,得把自己关起来,轻音乐,番茄汤10罐,蘑菇汤8罐,香草雪糕一大桶,镁奶一瓶,扑热息痛,漱口水,维生素,矿泉水,葡萄糖,黄书,床垫,尿桶,屎桶,啖罐各一,一台电视,一瓶安定,从老妈那拿的,老妈何尝不是瘾君子,只不过社会接受而已,万事俱备,最后爽多一把减轻痛苦,然后就等着安定起作用。

EN: I fantasize about massive pristine convenience. Brilliant gold taps, virginal-white marble, a seat carved from ebony, a cistern full of Chanel No. 5, and a flunky handing me...pieces of raw silk toilet roll. But under the circumstances, I'll settle for anywhere.
CN: 我幻想有间磅礴古朴的厕所,金光灿灿的水龙头,洁白无瑕的墙壁,檀木环绕的厕位,水缸里装满香奈尔5号...仆人递给我...一片真丝手纸,无奈情势逼人,此刻只能将就。

EN: Well, at one point, you've got it. Then you lose it, and it's gone forever. All walks of life. Georgie Best, for example, had it, lost it. Or David Bowie, or Lou Reed.
CN: 人的一生总是先盛后衰,然后一去不回,人生如此,比如乔治贝斯特,先盛后衰,又比如大卫宝儿,或者路瑞德。

EN: Young Renton noticed the haste with which the successful, in the sexual sphere, as in all others, segregated themselves from the failures.
CN: 我发现泡妞和其他事一样,都是成功者扎堆,失败者会自我隔离。

EN: We stole drugs, we stole prescriptions, or bought them, sold them, swapped them, forged them, photocopied them, or traded drugs with cancer victims, alcoholics, old-age pensioners, AIDS patients, epileptics, and bored housewives. We took morphine, diamorphine, cyclizine, codeine, temazepam, nitrazepam, phenobarbitone, sodium amytal, dextropropoxyphene, methadone, nalbuphine, pethidine, pentazocine, buprenorphine, dextromoramide, chlormethiazole. The streets are awash with drugs you can have.
CN: 我们偷毒品,我们偷药方,买药方,卖药方,换药方,影印,伪造,和癌症病人交换以及酒鬼...退休人士,爱滋病患者,羊癫病人,以及家庭主妇。我们偷吗啡,海洛因,可待因,羟基安定,硝基安定,巴比通,异戊巴比妥安米妥,右旋丙氧吩,美沙酮,哌鱼替啶,镇痛新,丁丙诺啡,右旋吗拉密特,抗惊厥剂,失眠、失业、失恋什么都有的医。

EN: It wasn't just the baby that died that day. Something inside Sick Boy was lost...and never returned. It seemed he had no theory with which to explain a moment like this. Nor did I. Our only response was to keep on going...and fuck everything. Pile misery upon misery, heap it up on a spoon and dissolve it with bile, then squirt it into a stinking, purulent vein, and do it all over again. Keep on going, getting up, going out, robbing, stealing, fucking people over, propelling ourselves with longing towards the day that it would all go wrong. Because no matter how much you stash...or how much you steal, you never have enough. No matter how often you go out...and rob and fuck people over, you always need to get up and do it all over again. Sooner or later, this kind of thing was bound to happen. Because shoplifting is theft, which is a crime, and despite what you may believe, there is no such entity as victimless crime. Heroin addiction may explain your actions, but it does not excuse them.
CN: 那天不仅是婴儿死了,病仔身上的某些东西...也一去不返,他没法解释...为什么会这样,我也不行,我们的对策只能是...继续沉沦,痛上加痛,把海洛因摆在药勺上煮溶,打入腐烂含脓的血管,周而复始,不断地为非作歹,打劫,偷摸,破坏,令我们自己在这条路上一步步走向深渊,因为无论你能抢到多少能偷到多少,白粉永远不够,也无论你曾经为非作歹多少次,永远会一做再做,不论迟早,都会落得如此下场。入店行窃是犯罪...你也许另有解释,但无受害人的罪行并不存在,毒瘾可以解释行为,但无法解脱罪名。

EN: Here I was surrounded by my family...and my so-called mates, and I've never felt so alone, never in all my puff.
CN: 周围都是我的家人和所谓的哥们,我却从未感觉如此地孤单,如此地空虚寂寞。

EN: I'm cleaning up and I'm moving on. Going straight and choosing life. I'm looking forward to it already. I'm going to be just like you. The job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc, and electrical tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, D.I. Y., game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, 9: 00 to 5:00, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing gutters, getting by, Looking ahead to the day you die.
CN: 从现在起我要洗心革面,重新做人,我要大步向前,选择生活,我的前途一片光明,我会像你一样,有工作,家庭,再整个大电视,洗衣机,小车,激光唱机,电动开罐器,健康,低胆固醇和牙医保险,按揭,买楼,休闲装,皮箱,三件头西装,DIY,看电视,吃零食,生孩子,逛公园,朝九晚五,打高尔夫,洗车子,穿运动衫,过圣诞节,领养老金,有免税额,通下水道,改邪归正,安居乐业,等待归天的日子。

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