A New Old Play

A New Old Play

椒麻堂会 (Original Title)

Actors living their lives, throwing their hands and feet is a scene of Sichuan opera, epileptic, bitter, authentic, and pungent with smoke and fire. A hundred years of life history, big and small, just stumbling up and down the stage.


EN: Sichuan opera club at least there are meals and food, there are stores and covers, and this body cotton uniform, beaten is also soothing, fast progress.
CN: 川剧社好歹有饭有菜有铺有盖嘞,还有这身棉制服,挨打也是舒筋活络噻,进步快噻。

EN: Grass slope in front, but see a shepherd boy, head wearing a hat, clad in straw raincoat, straddling the back of a bull, holding a piccolo in his hand, the mouth is sung by the mouth is that, Taiping ah hoo ee ah more feed la hoo ee ah hey.
CN: 青草坡前,但见一个牧童,头戴着斗笠,身披着蓑衣,跨骑着牛背,手捧着短笛,口儿勒唱的是那,太平呀呼咿呀多喂拉呼咿呀嘿。

The warlords are in the land of Bashu, and the wolves are fighting in all directions
The confusing world of the opera fan Ma'er, to join the army to save the driver's life
I wish to build a Sichuan opera society, to hold the role of training new talent and new
Tsubaki and Xuan have no support Qiu Fu to, pear garden and add a small genie
CN: 军阀割据巴蜀地,狼烟四起动刀兵。

Tuanzhenghao, Xiewenxin, thanks to the ancestor for teaching me.
Niannujiao, Linqinxin, thanks to the ancestor for teaching me.
Yizhihua, Yaomixin, thank you for teaching me. 
Fendie'er, Zhaoxiuxin, thank you for teaching me.
Jinlinggong, Liyongxin, thank you...for teaching me.

North China's red flag is waving and the sun is falling in southern Sichuan
Ma'er was ordered to be stationed and the troupe was revived to follow
Qiu Fu's addiction to smoking is not over, and his soul cannot return
Great changes are coming to the shore and the earth and sky have changed their tents

New people, new plays, new weather, new bones and generous
But the rain never stops, and it's hard to claim with the current
The new play has never played the old story, and the vicissitudes have been repeated
The separation, the sorrow, the joy, the forgetfulness, the life and the death are but two confusion

EN: Defeat the Japanese invaders and recover the lost land, with the will of the people.
CN: 打倒倭寇,收复失地,众志成城,众志成城。

EN: Rats scattered, since the death of the marshal, the old man's heart is like a drum, the Sichuan army this mahjong, I'm afraid that again to push to re-wash.
CN: 树倒猢狲散,自从大帅一死,老子的心头就像打鼓一样,川军这副麻将,恐怕又要推到重洗。

EN: We broke an old world to enter a new one, and how do we adapt to this new world, in our language.
CN: 我们打破了一个旧世界,要进入一个新世界,我们怎样去适应这个新世界,用我们的语言。

EN: The people's Sichuan opera troupe, the people's troupe, the people's actors, if this in the old society how possible, impossible, impossible.
CN: 人民川剧团,人民的剧团,人民的演员,这要是在旧社会咋个可能呢,不可能,不可能。

Every life is a peaceful life
Every year is a good harvest
Everyone is a ghost of death
Hurrying to the Yellow Springs

EN: On stage do not like the curtain, off stage fear of separation, and so the old man died only to know that the curtain fell, the play is not finished.
CN: 上台不喜落幕,下台生怕离散,等老子死了才晓得,这幕虽落了,戏还没有唱完。

EN: She is not a pretty girl, she only reports the spring, when the flowers are in full bloom, she is smiling in the bush.
CN: 俏也不争春啊,只把春来报,待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑。

EN: Before entering Fengdu City, you must drink Mengpo soup at the Naihe Bridge ha, people drink Mengpo soup, this yang thing will have to Moqiu hanging, and then you will be all relaxed into the city, singing to the King of Hell, when the people's artists in Fengdu, wishing the performance a success.
CN: 进丰都城前,必须要在奈何桥喝孟婆汤哈,人喝了孟婆汤,这阳间的事就只好莫球的挂碍了,然后你就一身轻松的进城,给阎王爷唱堂会,当丰都的人民艺术家,祝演出成功。

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