EN: Know yourself as well as you know your fuckin' enemy and only then will you can you win a thousand times in a row. That is fucking 16th century ancient Chinese philosophy. Sun Tzu.
CN: 知己知彼,方能百战百胜,那他妈可是十六世纪古代中国的孙子兵法。
- Why the fuck would you turn in your license? That's retarded.
- Because when old people are old, they're old, and they don't need to be driving anymore. You see that lady over there? That's Dorothy. She was driving on the sidewalk for three blocks and didn't even realize it and then hit two pedestrians.They have no business driving'cause they're old.
- 你怎么会想销了驾照呢?多不方便。
- 因为人变老了,就是老了,他们不需要再开车了,你看到那边那个女士了吗?那是桃乐茜,她在人行道上开车,开了三个街区都没有意识到,他们没理由开车,因为他们老了。
EN: What's worse then getting banged by Jack the Ripper? Getting fingered by Captain Hook.
CN: 比跟开膛手杰克滚床单还要糟的是什么?虎克船长给你手交。
EN: You know X-Men? We could do fucking Triple-X-Men. I'd play Wolverine. It would be so sick.
CN: 你知道X战警吧?我们可以搞一次他妈的群交X战警,我来扮演金刚狼,肯定够劲爆。
EN: I think, if I were you, I would spend it on someone that I really cared about. On someone who really needed it. You know, the people that matter the most.
CN: 我想如果我是你,我会把钱花在我在乎的人身上,花在真正需要它的人身上,那个对你最重要的人。
EN: At first I thought she was hanging out with you 'cause she felt sorry for you. You know, pitied you. Some old lady, probably going to die soon. Then I realized, she just felt guilty for taking your money. She's not your friend.
CN: 开始我以为她跟你在一起是因为她同情你,可怜你,这么大年龄也许活不了多久了,后来我才明白她不过是拿了你的钱,心里有愧,她没把你当朋友。