Tokyo Story

Tokyo Story

東京物語 (Original Title)

The sons and daughters are all grown up and have their own families. Their father, Zhou Ji, and his partner were going to Tokyo to visit them, and the old couple went on their way with a happy mood. But on the other hand, before they reach their eldest son's house, their grandson is crying because his grandparents have arrived to make room...


Look how big Tokyo is. If we got lost, we'd never find each other again.

He has a degree. But all doctors have to have degrees. I'm afraid we expect too much of our children. They lack spirit. They lack ambition. I've told that to my son. He said that there are too many people in Tokyo. That it's hard to get ahead.
唉,我那儿子总跟我的希望背道而驰,第一,没有雄心,不懂得所谓的志在千里,所以前些日子 我对那小子讲这话,那小子却说:东京因为人多,都会拍马屁。

I'm as dissatisfied as you are. But we can't expect too much from our children. Times have changed. We have to face it. That's what I think.

Isn't life too short, though?

I can't stand that sound. As I hear it, I feel as if Mother were becoming smaller, bit by bit.

Wanting her clothes right after her death. I felt so sorry for poor Mother. Even strangers would have been more considerate.

At your age I thought so too. But children do drift away from their parents. A woman has her own life, apart from her parents, when she becomes Shige's age. So she meant no harm, I'm sure. They have to look after their own lives.

Often I wonder, when I can't sleep, what will become of me if I stay this way. Day passes and night comes, yet nothing happens, and I feel a kind of loneliness. My heart seems to be waiting for something.

It's strange. We have children of our own, yet you've done the most for us, and you're not even a blood relative.

Living alone, I feel the days will get very long.

Do you believe they're really newlyweds? This morning she was smoking in bed after he got up. He's an idiot. He said, "You belong to me. Your ears, eyes, mouth - All of you is mine." Who knew what belongs to who?

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