The Expanse

The Expanse

The Expanse is a story about the human colonization of the solar system two hundred years in the future. Due to the effects of gravity, the humans of the solar system are gradually divided into Earthlings, Martians and the asteroid belt-dominated Ceresians, whose relations with each other are strained by the competition for resources.


Chrisjen Avasarala:Massing battleships is a numbers game since the Age of Sail.

Clarissa Mao:You know, for someone who says they don't wanna be a hero...You sure end up being one a lot.

Camina Drummer:Tenye wa chesh gut, Rocinante.

Camina Drummer:That promise has been made and broken more times than I can count. Over and over we have been told we can trust the Inners, that this time will be different, and it never was.

Jim Holden:He was evil, and he was cruel, but he tapped into something real. He was able to do what he did because so many people were angry and frightened. They saw the future, and they weren't in it.

Jim Holden:A very wise woman I know once said you shouldn't believe what people say, just watch what they do.

Naomi Nagata:The universe never tells us if we did right or wrong. It's more important to try to help people than to know that you did. More important that someone else's life gets better than for you to feel good about yourself. You never know the effect you might have on someone, not really. Maybe one core thing you said haunts them forever. Maybe one moment of kindness gives them comfort or courage. Maybe you said the one thing they needed to hear. It doesn't matter if you ever know. You just have to try.

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