Three Thousand Years of Longing

Three Thousand Years of Longing

Three Thousand Years of Longing (Original Title)

Alithea Binnie, who was satisfied with her life but skeptical of the world, met a genie in Istanbul who offered her freedom in exchange for the granting of three wishes, but Alithea was so learned that she knew that no story associated with wishing ended well, and the genie explained to her the reasons for doing so and recounted his own glorious past She was fascinated by the story the genie told. She is fascinated by the story the genie tells and ends up making a most surprising wish.


EN: When humans hurtled across the sky on metal wings, when they wore webbed feet and walked on the bottom of the sea, when they held in their hands glass tiles that could coax love songs from the air...there was a woman,adequately happy and alone. Alone by choice. Happy because she was independent, living off the exercise of her scholarly mind.
CN: 当人类用金属翅膀猛地飞过天空时,当他们穿着有蹼的脚在海底行走时,当他们手里拿着能在空气发出情歌的玻璃砖时…有这么一个女人,她很快乐,也很孤独。自我选择的孤独,快乐是因为她独立,以锻炼她的学术思想为生。

EN: Sooner or later, our creation stories are replaced by the narratives of science. Painstaking science. And all gods and monsters outlive their original purpose and are reduced to metaphor.
CN: 迟早,我们的创造故事会被科学的叙述所取代,勤勉的科学。而所有的神和怪兽都会比它们本来的含义活得更久,最后沦为隐喻。

EN: To yearn for nothing? To pretend to want nothing more than to be contained in a bottle? For a djinn, it is the closest we ever come to death.
CN: 渴望一无所有?假装什么都不想要,只想装在瓶子里?对于精灵来说,这是我们离死亡最近的一次。

EN: The way my brain is wired is... is the...the source both of my power and, uh, and my solitude. I suspect that's why I like stories. I find feelings through stories.
CN: 我的大脑思维方式是...是我的力量和呃,和我的孤独的来源,我怀疑这就是我喜欢故事的原因,我通过故事找到感觉。

EN: I might grieve a loss and betrayal, but, uh, no, in fact, I was free. I was like a prisoner emerging from a dungeon into the sunlight. I expanded into the space of my own life.
CN: 我可能会因为失去和背叛而悲伤,但事实上,不,我是自由的。我就像一个从地牢走到阳光下的囚犯,我拓展了自己的生活空间。

EN: You know, in some cultures, absence of desire means enlightenment.
CN: 知道吗,在某些文化中,没有欲望就意味着开悟。

EN: I want our solitudes to be together. I want that love professed in ageless tales. I want that longing you felt for the Queen of Sheba, and that love you gave to your genius, Zefir. I want it.
CN: 我希望我们的孤独能在一起,我想要在不朽的故事中描述的那种爱,我想要你对Sheba,女王的那种渴望,以及你给你的天才Zefir的那种爱,我想要它。

EN: Love is not something we come to by reason. It's more like a vapor, a dream, perhaps, to lure us into the enchantment of our own stories. If that's so, how are we to know if it's ever real? Is it a truth,or simply a madness?
CN: 爱不是我们凭理智得到的东西,它更像是一种蒸汽,也许是一个梦,引诱我们进入我们自己的故事中,如果是这样的话,我们怎么知道它是否是真实的?这是事实,还是单纯的疯狂?

EN: My Djinn told me, when they come together in the Realm of Djinn, they tell each other stories. Stories are like breath to them. They make meaning.
CN: 我的精灵告诉我,当他们在精灵界聚在一起时,他们会互相讲故事。故事对他们来说就像呼吸一样,他们创造了意义。

EN: I watched a human look into the living brain of another and arrest a fatal bleeding. I visited the Collider. A vast gizmo which probed the essence of matter. And then I saw a dish,a great dish that listens to the whispers of stars long dead. Humankind a wonder, Alithea.
CN: 我看着一个人看向另一个人的活生生的大脑,并阻止致命的出血。我参观了对撞机,一个探究物质本质的巨大仪器,然后我看到了一个盘子,一个巨大的盘子,它倾听着早已死去的星星的低语。人类是…是个奇迹,Alithea.

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