EN: What do the English say? All work and no play makes...A dull man.
CN: 英语中有句话…只知道工作使人变得…变得乏味。
EN: Today is wonderfully good. Every one of us has eaten for two men and the mail has come. The grasses sway like tall spears. The white butterflies float on the soft warm wind. How often in the Iast few days have we come to the edge of death? Let's not even think about it. Let's just enjoy the world. Everything is new and brave. Red poppies, the good food, cigarettes and the summer breeze.
CN: 今天天气很好,我们每个人都吃了两份食物,而且还收到了信,绿色的小草摇动着,仿佛是一柄长矛,白色的蝴蝶在柔软的风中飘舞。在过去的几天中,我们一再面临死亡的威胁,不过不要再想这些了,还是尽情地享受这个世界吧,一切都是这么清新美好,红色的罂粟花 美味的食物…香烟,还有夏日的轻风。
EN: l can be smashed to bits in a bomb-proof dugout, or l can survive ten hours unscathed out in the open. Of course, every soldier believes in chance and trusts his luck. But no soldier outlives a thousand chances.
CN: 我可能在拆除炮弹引信时被炸成碎片,也可能在开阔地带存活10个小时而毫发无损,当然每个士兵都相信机遇,相信运气,但没有谁可以永远这么走运。
EN: Between five and ten of them get kiIIed to every oId hand. And they get kiIIed simpIy because they are so inexperienced. They know nothing,so they die like flies.
CN: 每死5到10个新兵才死1个老兵,他们的死仅仅是因为缺乏经验,他们一无所知,像苍蝇一样的死去。
EN: How considerate they are at headquarters. They even send us the stuff to fill them with.
CN: 你看总部的人们想得多周到啊,他们连装尸体的棺材都运来了。
EN: We can destroy and kiII to save ourselves and to be revenged. When we see their faces,we become wild beasts. We turn into thugs and murderers. lnto God only knows what devils. lf your own father was with them, you wouldn't hesitate to fling a bomb into him.
CN: 我们只能通过毁灭和杀戮来拯救自己报仇雪耻,每当我们看到他们的面孔 我们就成了野兽,成了恶魔和凶手,只有上帝知道是谁在作祟,即使是你的父亲和法国人一道过来,你也会毫不犹豫地把炸弹向他投去。
EN: How Iong is it? Days,and weeks, and months, and years. Attack, counter-attack.And the dead piIe up. Winter, summer... The days are hot and the dead lie unburied. The shells will bury them. But when the wind blows,it brings the smell of blood, which is heavy and sweet.
CN: 这样持续了多久?多少天,多少星期,多少个月,多少年?进攻,然后反攻,尸体堆成了小山,冬去夏来…白天炎热难当,尸体暴露在外面,炮弹会埋葬他们的,迎面而来的风带来了血腥的气味,浓重而略带甜味。
EN: Maybe the real patriot just goes out and gets his head blown off. And gets a medal for it.
CN: 也许真正的爱国者就是出门把脑袋整没了,然后得到一块勋章。
EN: "Their country insulted ours"?I don't understand. A mountain in France insulted a mountain Germany? Then what am I doing here? I haven't been offended. How could I be offended?I've never even been to France before. In all my life I've only known a handful of Frenchies. They seemed all right to me.Human, people. Let me tell you, the only reason we're fighting this war is because it's useful to somebody.
CN: “他们国家侮辱了我们的国家”?我没听明白,法国的一座山侮辱了德国的一座山?原来我搁这打仗是因为这个?我没觉得被冒犯,我怎么可能会觉得被冒犯?我都没去过法国,我这一辈子只认识几个法国佬,我觉得他们人还行,普通人,平平凡凡的人,我来告诉你,我们搁这儿打仗的吓人原因,就是战争是为了某些人利益。
EN: The room grows dim and dissolves in the half-light and only the face near mine lives and is clear. The face is touched with a tenderness that comes out of the night...and l let it all fall from me. War and terror, and grossness, in order to awaken young and happy.
CN: 屋里的光线越来越暗,溶于半光之中,只有贴近我的这张脸,鲜活,真实,黑夜中的这张脸透着温柔触动着我,我沉浸其中,战争和恐惧,狂野,以唤醒年轻与欢乐。
- The "Dead Room"? What's the Dead Room?
- The Dying Room,whatever you wanna call it. It's in the basement. Whenever anybody wants to say "goodbye, life", they take 'em there. It's convenient really.It's next to the mortuary. No one ever comes back from it.
- “死亡屋”什么意思?什么死亡屋?
- 是个等死的地方 叫什么都一样,它是地下室中的一间小屋,只要有人想去那儿,想告别人间和生命,就送他去,那的确很方便,它离太平间很近,没人从那儿走回来。
EN: There are thousands in Germany. How many thousands are there in France? ln Russia? ln England? How senseless is everything that can ever be written, done and thought, when such things are possible? The culture of a thousand years could not prevent this stream of blood being poured out. A hospital alone shows what war is.
CN: 德国有成千上万家医院,法国有多少家医院?俄罗斯有多少家?英国有多少家?当这种事情有可能发生时,所有能写的、能做的、能想的,都是多么地无意义,一千年的文化无法阻止流血,一家医院就能展示出战争的残酷。
EN: Mother, l used to live in this room.All my things are here. All my books, my beloved books, but they no longer speak to me as they used to, for l am not what l was when l lived in this room. l am a soldier. My business is not reading, it is killing. My knowledge of life is limited to death.
CN: 我过去一直住在这屋里,我的一切都在这儿,所有的书,所有我珍爱的书,可是他们不再像从前那样对我诉说了,因为现在的我已经不是当时住在这里的我了,我现在是士兵 我的事业不再是读书,而是杀戮,我对生命的知识仅限于死。