The Shining

The Shining

The Shining (Original Title)

Haunted by a persistent writer's block, the aspiring author and recovering alcoholic, Jack Torrance, drags his wife, Wendy, and his gifted son, Danny, up snow-capped Colorado's secluded Overlook Hotel after taking up a job as an off-season caretaker. As the cavernous hotel shuts down for the season, the manager gives Jack a grand tour, and the facility's chef, the ageing Mr Hallorann, has a fascinating chat with Danny about a rare psychic gift called "The Shining", making sure to warn him about the hotel's abandoned rooms, and, in particular, the off-limits Room 237. However...


Quotes from Jack :

We're all going to have a real good time.

I love you, Danny. I love you more than anything the whole world...and I would never do anything to hurt you...never. You know that, don't you?

We're going to make a new rule: Whenever I'm in here...and you hear me typing...or whatever the fuck you hear me doing in here...when I'm in here, that means I am working. That means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that? Why don't you start right now and get the fuck out of here?

I dreamed that I...that I killed you and Danny. But I didn't just kill you. I cut you up into little pieces.

God! I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamn soul...for just a glass of beer.

I'm not going to hurt you. Darling. Light of my life. I'm not going to hurt you. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, "I'm not going to hurt you." I'm just going to bash your brains in. I'm going to bash them right the fuck in.

Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin? Then I'll huff...and I'll puff...and I'll blow your house in!

Quotes from others :

- The only thing that can get a bit trying here during the a tremendous sense of isolation.
- That just happens to be exactly what I'm looking for.

It's just know, some places are like people. Some shine...and some don't. I guess you could say the Overlook Hotel...has something about it that's like shining.

- The weather forecast said it's going to snow tonight.
- What do you want me to do about it?

And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty...I...corrected her.

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