The Pumpkin Eater

The Pumpkin Eater

The Pumpkin Eater (Original Title)

Jo is a poor woman who has had two very bad relationships, two very bad marriages, and five children to raise. In this situation, she meets a man named Jack, and once again, Jo falls in love, but this relationship does not bring Jo happiness and salvation, on the contrary, Jo fell into a deep depression can not be extricated.


EN: The continents are no obstruction, oceans are no impediment. The Word is the work.
CN: 陆地之间可以畅通无阻。大洋之隔能够衣带之水,世界是运转着的。

- Why on earth do you want to marry my son? He'd be an impossible husband. He's bone-lazy, drinks too much. Oh, he's quite useless.
- Thank you. He's going to be a very successful writer.
- 这世上这么多人,你为何要嫁给我儿子呀?他会是一个不负责任的丈夫。他是个懒骨头,常酗酒,噢,而且是相当无能。
- 谢谢您的“美言”了,他将是一个非常成功的作家。

EN: Think it's funny, I suppose, because I tell the truth for once. That I'm capable of fancying somebody else. I'm a perfectly normal man and I'm capable of fancying somebody else.
CN: 我常想象其他人那样的生活,我只是个普普通通的男人,也渴望其他男人那样舒心的生活。

EN: I had a hysterectomy operation four months ago. Yes, a hysterectomy. You know, they take it all away. You should see the way men look at me. The way they still look at me. You can tell by that, you see. I'm desirable.
CN: 大约四个月前我做了子宫切除手术,没错,子宫切除手术,你知道吗,他们就那样把它切扔了。您真应该亲眼看看别的男人是怎么看我的,他们依旧用那种眼神打量我全身,你瞧,这事儿说明,我还是有点吸引力。

EN: I think women are the only ones. I think they're the only ones. I can see your grace and sweetness just sitting there.
CN: 我肯定是那种百里挑一的女人,百里挑一的那种,我仿佛亲眼感到幸福的光环就伴你左右。

EN: Professional people are just a lot of bloody parasites. The lot of them. Doctors, lawyers… You know what I mean. Parsons. The whole bloody crew. Now, I call myself a tradesman because, in my opinion, it's the only thing left to respect in this world.
CN: 现在的“专家们”只不过是些该死的社会寄生虫,许多人士 - 某些医生,律师们……你懂得,还有神父,也是他们贼船该死的一员。如今,我自称自己是位生意人,因为,在我看来这是如今这个世道仅存的一点尊严。

EN: All his life, the one thing he wanted more than anything else was to beat a woman.
CN: 在他的生活中,有一件事比其他任何事儿都渴望,那就是征服一个女人。

EN: I like intelligent women. They're stimulating. And vital. Vital.
CN: 我喜欢有脑子的女人,她们总是令人兴奋,并且活力四射的,活力四射。

EN: It was when the coffin went in. You know, when they pushed it in. I think that's when it was. well, it might be possible. You know, God might be possible.
CN: 当那棺材进去的一刻,你知道,那些人把棺材推进火化的那一秒至少我是切身感受到了!我茅塞顿开,这一切或许是真的存在。你看,上帝或许的的确确的存在!

EN: The people are unhappy because they give the gift of their love to unworthy men and unworthy women.
CN: 人们现在如此不幸,归根到底就是把他们全部的爱都浪费给那些花花太岁和柳圣花神了。

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