The Fall by Ise Ananphada

The Fall

The Fall (Original Title)

Movie stuntman Roy Walker was seriously injured while filming a set of shots of a horseback leap off a bridge, resulting in paralysis and loss of consciousness in the lower half of his body. At this time he was extremely desperate, all he wanted was to die. While Roy is despondent, Alexandra, a five-year-old girl hospitalized with a broken arm, enters Roy's world.


EN: Every cloud has a silver lining, that's for sure.
CN: 只有熬过困难才会有拨云见日的一天,那是一定的。

EN: I said, "are you trying to save my soul"?
CN: 我说,你是在拯救我的灵魂吗?

EN: The problem is not his back. It's a broken heart.
CN: 问题不是他的背,而是破碎的心。

EN: What a mystery this world. One day you love them… Then the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over.
CN: 这世界真是神奇,有一天你爱死他们,隔一天你又想将他们千刀万剐。

EN: "My dearest daughter: Never marry for money, fame, power or security. Always follow your heart. Your ever loving father…"
CN: "我最亲爱的女儿,永远不要为了名、利、权力或是安定而结婚,一定要顺着你心所想,最爱你的父亲。"

EN: I know that Roy is making all the falling and hitting and climbing, and he was on a stair and he was going up and down and up and down. And he was falling from the train, and he was taking the car, and he was falling from… He was falling from the bicycle and a house. It was Wallace! He was falling with a rope. And he was hit and he was going, "mwah! Mwah! Mwah!
CN: 因为我知道,罗依会演出所有的高处坠落等等特技,他爬到梯子上,上上下下,上上下下,还有从火车上跳下,跳上车子… 从单车上跳下,从大房子屋顶跳下,那是华乐斯!他跟绳子一起坠落,他被打, 然后将会…

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