EN: Paris awakens unlike any other city. Slowly. Without the diesel grind of Berlin or Damascus. Or the incessant hum of Tokyo.
CN: 巴黎的清晨不同于其他城市,步调缓慢,没有柏林或大马士革的柴油车声响,也没有东京永不停歇的喧嚣。
EN: Popeye the Sailor probably said it best. "I am what I am." I'm not exceptional. I'm just… apart.
CN: 大力水手的说法可能最适当,“我就是我”,我并不杰出,我只是… 与众不同。
EN: Consider yourself lucky if our paths never cross. Except… luck isn't real. Nor is karma, or sadly, justice. As much as I'd like to pretend these concepts exist.
CN: 如果我们没有交集,那是你好运,不过运气并不存在,因果报应也一样,可悲的是正义也是,虽然我很想假装这些概念确实存在。
EN: A hundred and forty million human beings are born every year. Give or take. The worldwide population is approximately 7.8 billion. Every second, 1.8 people die. While 4.2 are born into that very same second. Nothing I've ever done will make any dent in these metrics.
CN: 每年有一亿四千万人出生,差不多是这数字,全球约有78亿人口,每秒钟有1.8人死亡,而同一秒有4.2人出生,我所做过的事不会对这些数字产生影响。
EN: Skepticism is often mistaken for cynicism. Most people refuse to believe that the great beyond is no more than a cold, infinite void. But I accept it, along with the freedom that comes from acknowledging that truth.
CN: 怀疑论常被误解为愤世嫉俗,多数人拒绝相信彼岸的世界,仅是冰冷、无限的虚空,但我接受这点,也接受了承认真相所带来的自由。
EN: No one really wants to interact with a German tourist. Parisians avoid them like the rest of the world avoids street mimes.
CN: 没人想跟德国游客互动,巴黎人对他们避之唯恐不及,正如我们闪躲街头默剧演员一样。
EN: "It's a dog-eat-dog world." To reuse the apt cliche. "Every man for himself." "Kill or be killed." "Survival of the fittest." Isn't it all just human nature? Of those who like to put their faith in mankind's inherent goodness, I have to ask, based on what, exactly?
CN: "这是狗吃狗的世界",以一句精辟的老话来说就是"各人自扫门前雪","杀或者被杀","适者生存",这不就是人性吗?对于那些相信人性本善的人,我不得不问,这种想法到底从何而来?
EN: From the beginning of history, the few have always exploited the many. This is the cornerstone of civilization. The blood in the mortar that binds all bricks. Whatever it takes, make sure you're one of the few, not one of the many.
CN: 有史以来一直都是少数人在剥削多数人,这是文明的基石,是砌砖的血汗水泥,一定要想尽办法确保自己成为少数人,而非凡夫俗子。
EN: It's the idle hours that most often lead a man to ruin. That's not Dylan Thomas, but it oughta be.
CN: 最让人堕落的就是无所事事的时光,这句话并非出自狄兰托马斯的诗,但却很有那个感觉。
EN: Of the many lies told by the US military-industrial complex, my favorite is still their claim that sleep deprivation didn't qualify as torture.
CN: 美国军事工业的众多谎言之中,我最爱的仍是他们宣称睡眠不足不算是酷刑。
EN: If I'm effective, it's because of one simple fact. I… don't… give… a… fuck.
CN: 若说我有效率,原因非常简单粗暴,我…他妈…什么都…不…在乎。
EN: Empathy is weakness. Weakness is vulnerability.
CN: 同理心是弱点,弱点就是漏洞。
EN: Even I have to remind myself… the only life path… is the one behind you.
CN: 连我都得提醒自己,人生唯一的道路就是走过的路。
EN: I've been so good for so long. I'm suddenly regretting not having Haagen- Dazs with every meal.
CN: 我一直以来都很自律,我突然很后悔没有每餐都吃哈根达斯。
EN: "One man's cruelty is another man's pragmatism." That old chestnut.
CN: 还是老话一句,一个人的残忍就是另一人的实用主义。
EN: When your time does arrive. It won't be your life flashing before your eyes, it'll be mine. I suppose it'll be the closest I can hope to come to haunting you.
CN: 等你的那一刻来临时,你眼前闪过的跑马灯不会是你的一生,而是我的,这大概是我最有可能做鬼也缠着你的方式。
EN: The need to feel secure. It's a slippery slope. Fate is a placebo. The only life path… the one behind you. If, in the brief time we're all given, you can't accept this, well, maybe you're not one of the few. Maybe you're just like me. One of the many.
CN: 对安全感的需求会越陷越深,命运是安慰剂,人生唯一的道路就是走过的路,若是在我们短暂的人生里你无法接受这点,或许你不是少数人,或许你跟我一样只是凡夫俗子。