

Room (Original Title)

ROOM tells the extraordinary story of Jack, a spirited 5-year-old who is looked after by his loving and devoted mother. Like any good mother, Ma dedicates herself to keeping Jack happy and safe, nurturing him with warmth and love and doing typical things like playing games and telling stories. Their life, however, is anything but typical--they are trapped--confined to a 10-by-10-foot space that Ma has euphemistically named Room...


1、Once upon a time, before I came, you cried and cried and watched TV all day, until you were a zombie, but then I zoomed down from heaven through skylight into Room. Whoosh-pshew! And I was kicking you from the inside. Boom, boom! And then I shot out onto rug with my eyes wide open, and you cutt-ed the cord and said, "Hello, Jack."

2、Good morning, lamp.
Good morning, plant.Good morning, Eggsnake.Good morning, rug.Good morning, wardrobe.Good morning, TV.Good morning, sink.Morning, toilet.Morning, everyone.

3、I'm gonna grow and grow until I'm a giant. Look, Ma, I'm strong as Samson. I'm going to be Jack the Giant, Giant-Killer and burst out of skylight into space with my dog, Lucky,and boing, boing, boing to all of the planets.

4、And you're going to love it. The world. My house with the hammock and Grandma and Grandpa.

5、♪  One evening when the sun went down♪ 
♪  And the jungle fire was burning♪ 
♪  Down the tracks came a hobo hiking♪ 
♪  And he said "Boys, I'm not turning♪ 
♪  "I'm headed for a land that's far away♪ 
♪  "Beside the crystal fountain♪ 
♪  "Oh, come with me♪ Go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountain"♪ 
♪  In the Big Rock Candy Mountain♪ 
♪  There's a land that's clear and bright...

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