Pretty Baby

Pretty Baby

Pretty Baby (Original Title)

The story takes place in a brothel in New Orleans, where the world is in turmoil as World War I approaches, but in this brothel everything goes on as usual. 12-year-old Violet, who is dependent on her mother Heidi and her brother, has the only major event on her mind these days: her virginity, which is to be auctioned...


These reeking pest holes are inhabited by 1,500 angels of death and damnation. Four hags, in palatial palaces of guilt, imperil the virtue of every innocent girl.

I am the child of a snapping turtle, raised by alligators on panther's milk. I'm a poisoned wolf from Bitter Creek, and tonight's my night to howl.

Well, you watch out for him, Violet. He's got a heart like an artichoke, a leaf for every girl, and a prick on the end of each one of them.

I'm here for one purpose, and that's to live my life to the hilt and enjoy it the same way.

There are only two things to do on rainy days, and I don't like to play cards.

I tell you, you put men in a room with a bunch of whores and all they wanna do is play poker. I'll never understand men. Never.

I knows how it feels, but I just don't know how to describe it. It's like you get this tingling feeling along your back, and this funny feeling starts creeping up your toes.

I love you once. I love you twice. I love you more than beans and rice.

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