Time must pass and carry us away with all the scenarios of our life. Mine, I've already rolled it up and tucked it under my arm.
I've never felt so alone and sad. The sweetness of glory is no recompense for the bitterness it cost.
Let my death pass in silence. Let me be wrapped in a sheet. A cart of the lowest class, for a pauper. Burn me. And let my body, just burned, be left to scatter, so nothing, not even ash, would be left of me. But if this cannot be done, may the urn be taken to Sicily and be walled within a rough stone in the countryside where I was born.
I find it shocking that children could have been born from me. But when? Ah, I must have had them yesterday. Yesterday I was still young. Is this a dream? No, it's really them, my children. They're coming over! They're growing up. They're coming to me because they know I'm ill, very ill.
But why is gray hair sprouting on my children's heads? They grow, they grow. I feel such compassion for my children...so old. I'd like to get up, but I can't anymore.