Miracolo a Milano

Miracolo a Milano

Miracolo a Milano (Original Title)

An old woman finds a baby among the cabbages in her garden; she takes care of him and calls him Totò. When she dies, he is sent to an orphanage, which he leaves as a teenager. When Totò goes out in the world, he expects everyone to be open-hearted as himself, but they aren't. Without belongings or a place to live, he soon turns up among other homeless people, living scattered in boxes and cement pipes on a vast, barren field outside Milan...


There's not a lot of difference between you and me. We're both small. And life is beautiful for us, too.

All we need's a shack to live and sleep in. 
All we need's a bit of ground, to live and die on. 
All we ask is a pair of shoes,some socks and a bit of bread. That's all we need to believe in tomorrow. Trallalarala, trallalarala!

Come on, lads! To work! Work ennobles man. And makes men rich.

Leave me alone! I want nothing to do with anybody! And no-one's to try to be friendly with me! 

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