Bamboo, with so many layers of covering, can't see - like the masses.
The samurai class, like a heavy log, will soon sink from its own weight. The bamboo will grow and become strong.
You become grimmer and bloodier each time he visits.
If this old burden that I am could only depart for the other world, she'd be happy and no longer a pilgrim. Compassionate Buddha, please be merciful and take me to the other world now
I don't fully understand your sword form. You draw out your opponent. Then, in an unguarded moment, you cruelly...And the cruelty doesn't stop with your sword. It seems to have seeped into your mind and body. It frightens me.
The tip of Bunnojo's sword reeked of vengeful love. My sword, too, seemed possessed by the spirit of an evil woman. It all started with a woman named Hama.
With your own hands, kill Ryunosuke as soon as possible. If only he had never been born! He should never have held a sword. He allowed his obsession with the evil sword to corrupt and pull him down. There is no way to save him. The sooner he dies, the sooner people can live in safety once again.
The more you tell me, the more a villain he seems. A man from hell. The world's full of villains, but he beats them all.
A likely enough story, but there are no ghosts. I'm more afraid of the living than the dead.
They rise up from deep in the valleys...blowing up the young green leaves. Beyond, all you see that fade far away into the clouds. I saw such a scene once somewhere. At Daibosatsu Pass, I think.