Legend of the Lost

Legend of the Lost

Legend of the Lost (Original Title)

American ne'er-do-well Joe January is hired to take Paul Bonnard on an expedition into the desert in search of treasure.


EN: The world is full of ferocious animals. But there is only one unkind one. Man. Animals will kill, but a man does worse.
CN: 这个世界上满是凶猛的动物,但是只有一种是刻薄的,人类。动物会杀生但人类更糟糕,人类会伤害他人。

EN: Sin doesn't make a sinner. Sin is a wound that can be healed.
CN: 罪过不会造就罪人,罪过是可以治愈的伤口。

EN: The gold I find will be used to make my father's dream come alive. A refuge for the needy. A haven for the sick of soul and body. A monument to humanity rising out of the jungle. That was my father's dream.
CN: 我发现的黄金会实现我父亲的梦想,为穷人盖庇护所,身心疾苦之人的避难处,在芸芸众生中竖立人性的纪念碑,那就是我父亲的梦想。

EN: I went to different towns. I met men. The pictures stay in my head, always the same. Same hands, crawling all over me like bugs. I'd like to peel off my skin and be new.
CN: 我去过好几个城镇赚男人的钱,那些画面留在我脑中千篇一律,同样的手像虫一样爬满我全身,我真想扒了自己的皮重新做人。

EN: Tears are better than a knife for cleansing.
CN: 眼泪比刀子更能净化人心。

EN: A couple of men and a dame are a strain on any civilization.
CN: 几个男人和一个女人,在任何文明都是污点。

EN: It is amazing to walk alone in the desert. It is like walking over the face of a clock that has stopped.
CN: 独自走在沙漠中真是惊人,感觉就像走在停摆的钟面上。

EN: I lived all my life far away from pleasures. All pleasure. It is easy for you to say no to them. You have had them. I have had nothing.
CN: 我这一生都努力远离诱惑,各种诱惑,你很容易向它们说不,因为你拥有过,而我一无所有。

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