I Hate Mondays

I Hate Mondays

Nie lubie poniedzialku (Original Title)

Polish comedy of 1971, the species 'crazy'. In a September, the Monday (and exactly 15 September), a group of residents and visitors struggling with adversity. Despite the light of criticism of Polish reality, expressed in a typical director Tadeusz Chmielewski surreal way, the movie is laurką for Warsaw, full of optimism, nicely showing her beautiful places.


God damn it, I hate mondays!

You couldn't find a better person, I'll show you Warsaw like no one else. Warsaw was called, we were called, Paris of the north. Warsaw was always a beautiful city.

That princess was very sad because in entire palace there was no TP while everyone else in the kingdom already got some.

Not like in old days. It used to be relaxed, walking slowly across the street. There was no asphalt, no noise.

Sex. That's the name of these perfumes. They introduce new perfumes each week...and I'm supposed to sit 8 hours inhaling all that. And I'm so dizzy and... so aroused...I filed a complaint to the Labor Union...and they said that only a southern man will help me. Maybe a Spanish guy. They don't jog in the morning or watch TV in the evening.

We hear in the distance the noise of gates being closed,
And again we are together, just the two of us.
This one hour before the dawn when you are still dreaming.
I discover, covered with blue sky your young face, my Warsaw.

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