"All that long day sitting at her mirror, she was combing her golden hair, as if in the midst of our tragedy. She played a melody on a harp, half-heartedly. All that long day, sitting at her mirror, she was combing her golden hair, as if she enjoyed tormenting her memory."
When Camus looks at us, his gaze pierces through us. He inspires justice, humanity in us. Sartre... is more ambiguous.
I can't do much now, but once I can, I won't be lost.
I'd like a child one day...but not instead of a life. I could hate the kid for it. I may never be able to love it.
I didn't end up in a hospital. It's the lottery there. If you're lucky, it's labeled a "miscarriage". But if some bastard doctor writes "abortion", and you don't die, you end up in prison.
Last summer...when I was back at my parents'...I had a relationship with a man. It lasted a month. He was much older than me. We made love a lot. At his place. In the barn near my parents'. Wherever. Whenever we could. I was ashamed, but the desire was stronger. I didn't get pregnant. By chance. I was just luckier than you.
Some women use bleach. Bleach in a uterus. And they wonder why they die.
- 你之前病了?
- 一种只会攻击女人的病,把她们变成家庭主妇的病。
- You were ill?
- The illness that strikes only women. And turns them into housewives.
其余的 我们应撇弃
"We shall keep the honor.
The rest, we shall give away.
And we walk.
Our eyes, indignant.
Our foreheads, pale.
On them, we read: Faith, courage, drought.
The troops continue their route.
Heads high, raising their flag,
holy rags."
I hope these words by Victor Hugo will show you the way, dear students.