Black Swan by mrfunktastik

Black Swan

Black Swan (Original Title)

Nina has been practicing ballet since she was a child, and with the careful attention of her mother, she has excelled in her craft. This time, she hopes to stand out from the rest. However, in the competition, she finds out that Lily, who has a lot of heart, is her strong rival.


EN: In four years, every time you dance, I see obsess getting each and every move perfectly right, but I never see you lose yourself. Ever. All that discipline for what?
CN: 这四年来你每一次跳黑天鹅...关心地总是每个动作的完美,但我却从没看见过你的激情,从没见过,为什么会这样?

EN: Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go. Surprise yourself so you can surprise the audience. Transcendence. And very few have it in them.
CN: 完美不是控制出来,是爆发出来的,超越自我,征服自己,征服观众,能做到的人不多。

EN: Because everything Beth does comes from within, from some dark impulse. I guess that's what makes her so thrilling to watch. So dangerous. Even perfect at times. But also so damned destructive.
CN: 因为贝丝做任何事都带着一股黑暗的冲动,所以她的表演充满着快感,让人战栗,某一时刻,甚至完美无缺,但却充满着该死的毁灭性。

- It's about a girl who gets turned into a swan, and she needs love to break the spell. But her prince falls for the wrong girl, and so she kills herself. It's not a happy ending then.
- It's beautiful, actually. Like you.
- 是说一个女孩被人变成了天鹅,她需要爱的力量打破诅咒,可她的王子却爱上了不该爱的人,于是她自杀了,是个悲剧。
- 实际上很美,像你一样。

EN: The only person standing in your way is you. It's time to let it go. Lose yourself.
CN: 你的本性在障碍你,赶走它,释放你自己。

EN: I felt it. I felt perfect. I was perfect.
CN: 我感觉到,完美,我完美了。

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