Ball of Fire

Ball of Fire

Ball of Fire (Original Title)

A group of professors working on a new encyclopedia while living in a Manhattan mansion take in a mouthy nightclub singer who is wanted by the police to help bring down her mob boss lover.


EN: Teacher's pet! Bertram Potts, the incorruptible. The eternal no-no man.
CN: 知道什么是犬儒主义者吗?就是伯特朗·波茨,他永远都只说不。

EN: A crime confessed is half atoned.
CN: 一个罪犯的坦诚只能弥补一半。

EN: Who was that guy learned so much from watching an apple drop? Isaac Newton, 1642 to 1727. And I want you to look at me as another apple, Professor Potts. Just another apple.
CN: 那个从苹果落地明白人生真谛的家伙叫什么来的?伊萨克·牛顿,1642年至1727年,我想让你把我当成另外一个苹果,波茨教授,仅仅是另外一个苹果。

EN: Don't underestimate this office or the State of New York. I've got some boys that can find a needle in a haystack.
CN: 永远都不要低估纽约州政府,我们有一群好手,专门负责稻草垛里捞针。

EN: "Slang," as the poet Carl Sandburg has said, "is language which takes off its coat, "spits on its hands and goes to work." Let us… Let us, too, then get down to work.
CN: 诗人卡尔·桑德伯格曾经说过:“俚语”是一种豪迈洒脱的语言。就像一个大汉衣服一脱,口水一吐,赤膊着上身去工作。让我们… 让我们也开始工作吧。

EN: That is the kind of woman that makes whole civilizations topple.
CN: 她绝对是那种能把所有人类文明准则都弄垮的女人。

EN: Now, when the Foundation launched our vessel, it very wisely followed an old rule of the sea, no women aboard. It chose a crew of single men with nothing to distract them from the course they were to sail.
CN: 现在,当基金会启动这艘巨轮时,非常明智的依从了一条远航的古训,那就是不带任何女人上船,它只选择一伙单身汉,因为没有任何事可以使他们分神,迷失方向。

EN: For four days, we have been drifting, Miss O'Shea. The needle of the compass no longer points to the magnetic pole. It points, if I may say so, to your ankles.
CN: 整整四天,我们一直都在艰难航行,欧榭小姐,指南针不再指向北方,而它指向——恕我直言——你的脚踝。

EN: People like that just, well… You see, dust just piles up on their hearts. And it took you to blow it away.
CN: 这种人总是… 你知道,他们的心头已经落满了尘埃,但你的出现把他们拂走了。

EN: You are under the impression that you are big because you have those firearms, because you know how to load them and pull the trigger.
CN: 你觉得自己强大有能力,那是因为你有枪,你会装填弹药和抠扳机。

EN: You will see, I am an authority on Chinese tortures.
CN: 你马上会知道,我在中国式酷刑方面是多么的权威。

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