EN: Father told you… that the whales caught the wind with their tails… and brought it down from the Arctic.
CN: 鲸鱼会用尾巴捕捉北极的寒风,然后把它们带到这儿来。
EN: Do you know why old ladies sit on park benches, Sarah? To hold them for springtime lovers.
CN: 你知道为什么老太太们都喜欢占着公园的椅子吗, 萨拉?这样开春时情侣们才有得坐。
EN: Well, Sarah… you know what Harry Truman said. "Well, if the buck is gonna be passed… it may as well be passed to somebody with plenty of 'em."
CN: 你知道哈利杜鲁门怎么说的吗?“要是一定得推卸责任,也最好推到有钱人身上”。
EN: Half of life is troubles, Sarah… and the other half's gettin' over 'em.
CN: 萨拉,生活有一半是麻烦,而另一半是解决麻烦。
EN: Life fooled you. It always does.
CN: 生活辜负你们,一直如此。
EN: Photographs fade. Memories live forever.
CN: 相片终会褪色,唯有记忆永恒。
EN: I have often been adrift but I have always stayed afloat.
CN: 我这辈子多在漂泊,却从未就此沉沦。
EN: One's time is all one's time, even to the end. You see out there… how the moon casts its silver coins… along the shore? There is a treasure that can never be spent. Well… I must be on my way.
CN: 生命总归是自己的,即便到最后一刻也是。看那儿,月亮是不是沿着海岸… 洒下一片银光?生命就如这月光,只能亲自去体会。