

Yojimbo (Original Title)

The ronin samurai, who has a poor and scruffy appearance, comes to a small town where two bullies, Seibei and Ushitora Shinoda, are fighting for territory and recruiting horses to fight often, making the people unhappy. Sanjuro decides to design a plan to lure both sides to hire him, and then join the different sides to cause the two sides to fight, thus reaping the benefits and eliminating the other side.


EN: Kids these days are all mad. It's not just the kids. Everyone wants easy money. It's all thanks to gambling. A roll of the dice and you're rich. Can't tell whose money is whose anymore.
CN: 现在的青年全疯了,老的也一样,只想不劳而获,都是赌博害人,骰子一摇,财源滚滚,光想人家的钱。

EN: I'll be waiting for you...at the gates of hell.
CN: 我在地狱入口,等你来。

EN: Hungry dogs come running when they smell blood. Let 'em rip each other apart and dye the silk in their blood. Then they can have their stinkin' fair!
CN: 血腥会招来饿狗,杀到丝绸染血,绸市就开。

EN: It's best not to have any gamblers at all. One boss to a town we can tolerate, but two is a disaster. Only the casket maker profits from that.
CN: 恶人到处都有,只是一帮人还好,两帮人相斗就只旺棺材店。

EN: A whole year you've been gone.Even the winds welcome you!
CN: 一年不见,连风也来欢迎你。

EN: When the fighting gets this bad, they don't bother with coffins.
CN: 死人太多就不需要棺材了。

EN: Gamblers are so cold-blooded and greedy.
CN: 赌徒都是一些冷血贪婪的东西。

EN: Evil bastard came back, did he? He looks as gentle as the zodiac Rabbit he's named after, but he's a wolf inside.
CN: 他坏得透顶,就像他的名字 看起来像一只害羞的兔子,但却是个披羊皮的豺狼。

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