To Be or Not to Be

To Be or Not to Be

Casablanca (Original Title)

There is a theatre company in Warsaw, Poland, in which one of the actors, Bronski, is extremely good at impersonating the German Nazi leader Hitler, and Maria Tura and Joseph Tura are a couple in the company, which was recently staging Hamlet. In between performances, Maria receives a bouquet of flowers from a young pilot, Stanislav Sobinski, who she arranges to come backstage while Joseph reads the famous line "to be or not to be" on stage...


Voice over:
EN: He seems strangely unconcerned by all the excitement he's causing. Is he by any chance interested in Mr. Maslowski's delicatessen? That's impossible! He's a vegetarian. And yet, he doesn't always stick to his diet. Sometimes he swallows whole countries. Does he want to eat up Poland, too?
CN: 他似乎很奇怪,不在意被他引起的骚动,他难道是对马斯洛斯基先生的熟食店感兴趣,不可能,他是个素食者,尽管如此,他并不总是节制饮食,有时候他会吞掉整个国家,这次他也是想吃光波兰吗?

- Wilhelm Coetze: Well, he said they named a brandy after Napoleon…and they made a herring out of Bismarck. And Hitler's going to end up as… 
- Actor: A piece of cheese.
- 他说他们用拿破仑命名了一种白兰地,还把一种鲱鱼取了俾斯麦的名字,那么,希特勒将会是… 
- 一片奶酪。

- Actor: Heil Hitler!
- Bronski: Heil myself.
- 致希特勒
- 致我自己

Mr. Greenberg:
EN: A laugh is nothing to be sneezed at.
CN: 笑声是不能被嗤之以鼻的。

- Stanislav Sobinski: I hope you forgive me if I acted a little clumsy…but this is the first time I ever met an actress.
- Maria Tura: Lieutenant, this is the first time I've ever met a man…who could drop three tons of dynamite in two minutes.
- 如果我的表现有点笨拙,希望你原谅…可这是我第一次见一个女演员
- 中尉,这是我第一次见到一个…可以在两分钟扔下三吨炸药的男人。

EN: Stanislav Sobinski: You couldn't buy a newspaper without reading about her. You can't buy a package of cigarettes without her picture inside. They name soap after her. You couldn't move around in Warsaw without popping into Maria Tura.
CN: 你买不到一张报纸是没有她消息的,你买不到一包香烟是不带她图片的,他们用她的名字命名香皂,你不可能在华沙转悠而撞不上“玛莉亚·图拉”。

EN: Maria Tura: When a man wants to see a lady so badly…he backs up his invitation with bane. It's rather flattering.
CN: 当一个男人非常想见一位女士时…他的邀请包藏祸心,这相当于是一种恭维。

- Professor Siletsky: All we're trying to do is create a happy world.
- Maria Tura: People who don't want to be happy have no place in this happy world. That makes sense.
- 我们所做的是要创造一个幸福的世界
- 不想要幸福的人,在这幸福世界将无立足之地,哦,蛮说得通的。

Joseph Tura:
EN: I'm a good Pole. I love my country and I love my slippers.
CN: 我是好波兰人,我爱我的祖国和我的拖鞋。

"Aren't we human?
Have we not eyes? Have we not hands…
organs, senses, dimensions, affections, passions?
fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons…
subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means…
cooled and warmed by the same winter and summer.
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh?
if you poison us, do we not die?
if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?"
受制于同样的疾病 以同样的方法治愈
如果你戳刺我们 我们不会流血吗?

Producer Jan Dobosz:
EN: I hate to leave the fate of my country in the hands of a ham.
CN: 我讨厌把我们国家的命运交到笨演员手中。

Major Cunningham:
EN: As a matter of fact, I saw him on the stage when I was in Warsaw, before the War. What he did to Shakespeare, we are doing now to Poland.
CN: 事实上,我在华沙看过他上台演出,那是战前,他对莎士比亚所做的,正是我们现在对波兰所做的。

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