The Sweet Life

The Sweet Life

La dolce vita (Original Title)

Marcello, a columnist for a magazine, tried to become a writer but it didn't work out, so he spent his days working on celebrity gossip. Macero often attends social gatherings of celebrities, so he secretly hooks up with a photographer to take pictures of the celebrities' privacy and then make them public.


EN: |
- Your problem is you have too much money.
- And yours is you don't have enough.
- 你的烦脑是因为你钱太多
- 那你的烦脑就是因为你钱太少。

EN: It's not so bad. So few of us unhappy people remain.
CN: 钱不是重点,同是天涯沦落人,我们都不快乐。

EN: Don't let me see her or I might kill my wife!
CN: 最好不要让我目睹她的芳容,不然我会回去杀掉我妻子的!

EN: You're everything, Sylvia. You know that? The first woman on the first day of creation. You're mother, sister, lover, friend, angel, devil, earth, home. That's what you are: home.
CN: 希尔维亚,你真是万千宠爱在一身,你是夏娃,你是母亲,妹妹,情人,朋友,安琪儿,撒旦,地球,家…对了,就是这种感觉:家。

EN: I've always said: The only real women are from the Orient. After all, where was Eve? In the Garden of Eden. Where was the Garden of Eden? In the Orient.
CN: 东方女性才是真正的女人,夏娃从哪里来?伊甸园!那么伊甸园又在哪里?在东方!

EN: I've read all your stories from around the world. I'd like to travel too, and meet women of all races. I'd like to have children of every color: red, yellow. Like a bouquet of flowers.
CN: 我也想像你那样环游世界,见识不同种族的女性,我想拥有一群不同肤色的孩子,红色的,黄色的…就像一束五彩缤纷的花朵。

EN: Beware of prisons! Remain free, available. Like me. Never marry anything. Never choose. Even in love, it's better to be chosen.
CN: 像我那样独身一人,自由自在多好,不用考虑婚姻,更不用因为选择而烦脑,就算真的恋爱了,我也宁愿我是被选择的一方。

EN: I like the three great escapes: smoking, drinking, and bed.
CN: 我只钟情于三种避世的好方法:喝酒,抽烟和睡觉。

EN: The most miserable life is better, believe me, than an existence protected by a society where everything's organized and planned for and perfect.
CN: 相信我,颠沛流离的穷苦生活,比住在金钱搭建的监狱和戴着面具混在上流社会里要轻松的多。

EN: Sometimes at night... the darkness and silence weigh on me. It's peace that frightens me. I fear peace more than anything else. It seems to me it's just a facade with hell hiding behind it.
CN: 有时夜深的时候…黑暗和寂静压得我透不过气,宁静反而让我恐惧,我害怕安静,它就像地狱的面纱。

EN: Please, young lady, let's forget about age. "Awaken not desperate sorrow that presses upon my heart." The thing that ages us most is boredom.
CN: 请不要谈年龄吧,“请不要唤醒我心中最折磨人的苦恼”,沉闷的生活让我衰老。

EN: I'd like to be your wife and be faithful to you. I'd like it all: to be your wife... and to whore around and have fun.
CN: 我要做你忠诚的妻子,我很矛盾:想做你妻子但是又不愿放弃风流。

EN: That's not love, it's degradation!
CN: 这不是爱情,这是变态的爱情!

EN: This experience has brought me back to my old friends filled with every desire! Yes. Annulment is a marvelous sensation! You have to be married first to appreciate it. Right, darling?
CN: 离婚让我充满希望地回到了老朋友中间,那真是一种难以言喻的痛快!只有经历了婚姻才会有这么深刻的体会。

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