The Quick and the Dead

The Quick and the Dead

The Quick and the Dead (Original Title)

Ellen, a beautiful mystery girl, bursts into a small town full of violence in the American West to carry out revenge for a bad memory. Shortly after her arrival, a priest named Curt also arrives in town, and at the same time, a flurry of marksmen have come from all directions, making them rush to a shooting competition with a huge prize as bait.


EN: I'm so damn fast, I can wake up at dawn… rob two banks, a train and a stagecoach… shoot the tail feathers off a duck's ass at 300 feet… and still be back in bed before you wake up next to me.
CN: 我的枪可真他妈的快,可以在黎明起来,抢劫两间银行,一列火车和一辆驿站马车,在三百英尺外射掉鸭子屁股上的尾羽,在你再次想要我之前回到床上。

EN: Preacher here's got the Lord on his side. He only needs one bullet. Just one.
CN: 上帝站在牧师这边,他只需要一颗子弹,就一颗。

EN: You must be the fastest gun in the West. That or the biggest liar.
CN: 你一定是西部最快的枪手,或者是最大的骗子。

EN: Mr. Ace Hanlon. The scourge of the sagebrush. The terror of Tucson. A bladder full of hot air. Congratulations.
CN: 艾斯·汉隆先生,山艾树的祸害,图森市的恐惧,充满热气的皮囊,祝贺你。

EN: If a man is a killer, then that's what he is. There's no dishonor. But don't let that same man suddenly tell me… that it's not in his blood anymore. That's worse than a liar.
CN: 如果有人是凶手,那他就是凶手,这不丢脸,但不要有人突然告诉我,他的血性已经没有了,那比骗子还糟糕。

EN: My father was a judge. That surprises you. He used to make my mother and me watch people being hanged… for our improvement. One day he said there was too much bad in this world. He took a bullet, put it in his gun… spun the chamber… and then took it in turns, clicking it at each of us… until he finally blew the back of his head off… with the final click. Understand this: There is nothing on this earth that frightens me now.
CN: 我父亲是个法官,别惊讶,为了锻炼我们他曾让我母亲和我看人被绞死。有一天,他说这个世界上有太多的坏人,他拿起一颗子弹,放进枪里,旋转弹膛,然后轮流向我们每个人开枪,直到最后一枪把自己的后脑勺打爆。你是不是可以理解到这一点:现在这世上没有什么能吓到我。

- You're pretty.
- You're not.
- 你很漂亮
- 你很丑。

EN: There are good people here. They're just cowards, like me. And they're waiting, hoping… someone like you will come and stop him.
CN: 这里有很多好人,他们跟我一样是懦夫,他们在等待,希望像你这样的人会来阻止他。

EN: Today I am. The law has come back to town.
CN: 今天,法律又回到了小镇。

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