The Last King of Scotland

The Last King of Scotland

The Last King of Scotland (Original Title)

Based on the novel of the same name by Giles Foden, the film follows Nicholas Gorecan, a young Scottish doctor in the 1970s, as he travels to impoverished Uganda with the great ambition of saving the lives of the poor, where he meets a white colleague from the Medical Society, to whom the beautiful Sarah is deeply attracted.


Quotes from NIicholas:

EN: If we had monkeys in Scotland, we'd probably deep-fry them.
CN: 要是苏格兰有猴子的话,可能都被我们炸来吃了。

EN: Well, if you're afraid of dying, it shows you have a life worth keeping.
CN: 如果你害怕死亡,就证明你生命宝贵。

Quotes from Amin:

EN: Here is where civilization began. Here in Africa. Here is where the Greeks stole their philosophy, and the Arabs took their medicine. We Ugandans must be more proud of this history.
CN: 这里就是文明开始的地方,在非洲,希腊人从这里偷走了哲学,阿拉伯人偷走了医学,我们乌干达人应该更引以为荣。

EN: The food tonight, it is all local, special food. And none of it is human flesh. This is my last.
CN: 今晚的食物都是本地的特色菜,绝对没有人肉,这是我最后一个笑话。

EN: And these people, they are leeches. They milk the cow, but they do not want to feed the cow.
CN: 这些人都是吸血鬼,他们想要挤奶,但是根本不想喂乳牛。

EN: Because while they are starving with their strikes and with their protests, the people of Uganda are eating beef and driving big cars.
CN: 当他们挨饿的时候,他们罢工抗议,乌干达人却可以吃牛肉开汽车。

EN: This room here…it is real. I think your death…will be the first real thing that has happened to you.
CN: 现在这个房间的一切,都是真实的,我想你的死,会是发生在你身上第一件真实的事。

EN: In my village, when you steal the wife of an elder, they take you to a tree and they hang you by your skin. Each time you scream, the evil comes out of you. Sometimes it can take three days for your evil to be spent.
CN: 在我的村子里,要是你偷了长者的妻子,你会被带到一棵树前,用你自己的皮吊着你,你每尖叫一次,邪魔就会从你身上逼出来,有时候要花上三天,才能清除你的邪魔。

Quotes from Others:

EN: They sang just like that for Obote…until they realized that he turned their economy into a personal bank account.
CN: 人民也曾经那样欢呼奥博特,直到他将整个国家的经济变成他私人账户。

Dr. Junju:
EN: I am tired of hatred, Dr. Garrigan. This country is drowning in it. We deserve better. Go home. Tell the world the truth about Amin. They will believe you. You are a White man.
CN: 我厌倦了仇恨,葛瑞根医生,这个国家到处充满了仇恨,我们应该过得更好,回去告诉全世界阿敏的真面目,他们会相信你的,你是个白人。

EN: Have you any idea what's going on in this country, Dr. Garrigan? In the countryside, they're not even bothering to dig graves anymore. They're simply feeding them to the crocodiles. Right here in Kampala, right under our noses, he's wiped out the entire political opposition. Thousands of Acholi…and Langi tribesmen from the army. He's hardly even bothering to cover it up anymore. Even members of his own cabinet. Your friend the health minister. This man is actually trying to help his country.
CN: 你知道这个国家怎么了吗?葛瑞根医生,在乡下他们甚至连坟墓都不挖了,死了就直接扔去喂鳄鱼,在坎帕拉这里,就在我们面前他清除了所有的反对党,成千上万阿乔利,和兰吉部落的人死于部队手中,他都懒得再掩饰,甚至他自己的内阁成员,你的朋友,医疗卫生部长,一个真正想帮助这个国家的人。

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