The Iceman Cometh

The Iceman Cometh

The Iceman Cometh (Original Title)

In 1912, the patrons of 'The Last Chance Saloon' have gathered for their evening of whiskey to contemplate their lost faith and dreams, when Hickey arrives. Hickey is out to convince everyone that he can help them all find peace of mind by ridding them of their foolish dreams and bringing them back to reality.


EN: What's before me is the fact that death is a fine, long sleep, and I'm damn tired. And it can't come too soon for me.
CN: 死亡不过是一种美好的长眠,我已经精疲力尽,对我来说,这种长眠来得越早越好。

EN: As history proves, to be a worldly success at anything, especially revolution, you've got to wear blinders like a horse and only see what's straight ahead of you.
CN: 历史证明,要想在任何事情上,特别是革命事业上功成名就,你就得像匹戴上眼罩的马,只看到正前方。

EN: What does it matter if the truth is that their favoring breeze will have the stink of nickel whiskey on its breath, and their sea will be a growler of lager and ale, and their ships will long since be looted and scuttled and sunk on the bottom? To hell with the truth. The history of the world proves the truth has no bearing on anything. It's the lie of the pipe dream that gives life to the whole misbegotten, mad lot of us, drunk or sober. The old philosopher, like hickey calls ya.
CN: 他们航途中的顺风,带有廉价威士忌的臭味,那又有什么关系?他们的海只不过是一坛啤酒,他们的船早就被抢劫一空,凿穿了沉到了海底,这都又何妨呢?让事实见鬼去吧,世界的历史证明,事实对任何事情都毫无意义,只有白日梦的谎言才把生命赐给了咱们这伙不走运的疯子,不管喝醉了的还是清醒的,全都一样。

EN: Well, I have no answers. No, not even for myself. Unless you can call what heine wrote in his poem to morphine an answer. "Lo, sleep is good, better is death. In sooth, the best of all were never to be born."
CN: 可我没有答案,没有,给我自己的答案都没有,除非你把海涅在《吗啡》一诗里所说的算作答案,“瞧,睡着了是好的,更好的是死去,说真的,最最好的,是永远不出世”。

EN: All t know is that I am sick of living. I'm through. I'm drowned and contented on the bottom of a bottle. Honor or dishonor, faith or treachery, they're nothing to me but opposites of the same stupidity which is the king and ruler of life, and in the end… They'll both rot into dust in the same grave. All things are meaningless to me… Because they grin at me from the one skull of death.
CN: 我只知道我对生活厌倦了!我完蛋了,我已经麻木不仁、心满意足地沉在在酒瓶底上!荣誉和耻辱,忠诚和背叛,这些主宰生活的同一种愚蠢的几组对立面,对我来说都无足轻重。到头来它们统统在坟墓里腐烂为尘土,在我看来一切都如同一个毫无意义的玩笑,因为一切都在同一个死人脑壳里对着我笑。

EN: I'm afraid to live, am I? And even more afraid to diel so I sit here, with my pride drowned on the bottom of a bottle, keeping drunk so I won't see myself shaking in my britches with fright, or hear myself whining and praying, beloved Christ, let me live a little longer at any price. If it's only for a few days more, or a few hours even, have mercy, almighty god, and let me still clutch greedily to my yellow heart this sweet treasure, this Jewel beyond price, this dirty, stinking bit of withered old flesh which is my beautiful little life.
CN: 我没有勇气活在这个世界上,是吗?更没有勇气去死!所以我坐在这里,让自尊心沉到酒瓶底上,老是喝得醉醺醺的,这样我就不会看到自己怕得发抖,也不会听见自己号叫哀求:“敬爱的上帝啊,请让我不惜代价活得长一点吧,万能的上帝啊,发发慈悲吧\N哪怕让我多活几天,就是多几个钟头也行啊,这一点儿肮脏、发臭、干瘪的肉体,是我宝贵的小生命,是我的小宝贝啊,请让我继续贪婪地把这颗价值连城的珠宝,搂在我那怕死的怀里吧!”

EN: It got so sometimes when she'd kiss me… It was like she was doing it on purpose to humiliate me, as if she'd spit in my face! Well, I saw how crazy and rotten that was of me, and I just hated myself more and more!
CN: 她吻我时,我有时会恨死她,以为她这是故意羞辱我,是在朝我脸上啐唾沫!可是我总觉得这种想法说明自己真是疯了!因此也更加痛恨自己了!

♪ Oh, Jack, oh, Jack was a sailor lad ♪
♪ And he went to a tavern for gin ♪
♪ And he rapped and he rapped with a ♪
♪ but ♪
♪ never a soul seemed in ♪
♪ Oh, he rapped and rapped ♪
♪ And he tapped and tapped ♪
♪ Enough to wake the dead ♪
♪ till he heard a damsel ♪
♪ on a window right over his head ♪
♪ "Oh, come up," she cried "my sailor lad ♪
♪ and you and I'll agree ♪
♪ and I'll show you the prettiest ♪
♪ That ever you ever did see" ♪
♪ Oh, he put his arms around her waist ♪
♪ And gazed in her bright blue eyes ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ 杰克杰克水手哥 ♪
♪ 来到酒店找酒喝 ♪
♪ 砰砰嘭嘭敲大门 ♪
♪ 只可惜 ♪
♪ 不见人影难消渴 ♪
♪ 轻打重敲不住手 ♪
♪ 死人也能惊得活 ♪
♪ 头上传来莺啼声 ♪
♪ 一看是 ♪
♪ 姑娘窗前把话说 ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ 上来上来水手哥 ♪
♪ 咱们两个能投合 ♪
♪ 我有宝贝给你瞧 ♪
♪ 你可从来没见过 ♪
♪ 水手搂住姑娘腰 ♪
♪ 目不转睛把她瞧 ♪
♪ 碧眼明眸撩心火 ♪
♪ 他就 ♪

♪ We've been together now ♪
♪ for 40 years ♪
♪ and it don't seem a day too much ♪
♪ There ain't a lady ♪
♪ living in the land ♪
♪ as I'd swap ♪
♪ for me dear old Dutch ♪
♪ There ain't a lady ♪
♪ living in the land ♪
♪ as I'd swap ♪
♪ for me dear old Dutch ♪
♪ 我们相识 ♪
♪ 已有四十余载 ♪
♪ 再多一天 ♪
♪ 想必也无妨 ♪
♪ 这片土地上 ♪
♪ 再找不出其他的女子 ♪
♪ 因为我用她们 ♪
♪ 换来了我的荷兰挚爱 ♪
♪ 这片土地上 ♪
♪ 再找不出其他的女子 ♪
♪ 因为我用她们 ♪
♪ 换来了我的 ♪
♪ 荷兰挚爱 ♪

♪ Ship me somewhere ♪
♪ east of Suez ♪
♪ where the best ♪
♪ is like the worst ♪
♪ where there ain't no ♪
♪ ten commandments ♪
♪ and a man ♪
♪ can raise a thirst ♪
♪ on the road to mandalay ♪
♪ where the flying fishes ♪
♪ play ♪
♪ and the dawn ♪
♪ comes up like thunder ♪
♪ out of China ♪
♪ 'cross the bay ♪
♪ 放船载我去 ♪
♪ 直下苏伊东 ♪
♪ 美景似荒芜 ♪
♪ 捷报如悲闻 ♪
♪ 此地无十诫 ♪
♪ 人心欲旺生 ♪
♪ 前路曼德勒 ♪
♪ 飞鱼伴其旁 ♪
♪ 坐看黄昏至 ♪
♪ 如雷万里传 ♪

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