The Earrings of Madame de...

The Earrings of Madame de... (Original Title)

I detest the whole world. I want to be seen by you and you alone.

Don't escape like this into a world of sickness and silence.

Napoleon was only wrong twice in his life: at Waterloo, and when he said, “The only victory in love is to flee.”

I'll tell you a secret. Our conjugal bliss is a reflection of ourselves. It's only superficially superficial. We've been playing with fire — especially me.

One way of leaving a woman is to let her leave.

A woman can refuse a jewel she hasn't yet seen. After that, it takes heroism.

Alliances between nations, as my years with the diplomatic corps have often shown, resemble — if you'll pardon the analogy — certain marriages. The man who says, “I'll never marry that woman” after two months' reflection says “I do” with great satisfaction and pleasure. After all, what is a wedding ring? A small circle of gold that binds you. Fraternity among nations is neither an idle phrase nor a mere utopia. That is why, in conclusion, I cry, “Long live France and her allies! And may her enemies of today become her friends of tomorrow.”

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