Pulp Fiction by Nikita Abakumov

Pulp Fiction

Pulp Fiction (Original Title)

The film consists of three stories: "Vincent and Marsellus' Wife," "The Gold Watch," "Bonnie's Situation," and a prologue and epilogue at the beginning and end of the film. The film is made up of three stories: "Vincent and Marsellus' Wife," "The Gold Watch," "Bonnie's Situation," and a prologue and epilogue.


- Could you, um roll me one of those, cowboy?
- You can have this one, cowgirl.
- 可以替我卷一支吗,牛仔?
- 你拿这一支,女牛仔。

EN: See, this business is filled to the brim with unrealistic motherfuckers. motherfuckers who thought their ass would age like wine. If you mean it turns to vinegar, it does If you mean it gets better with age, it don't.
CN: 瞧,这一行里满满当当的都是些不现实的妈巴羔子,妈巴羔子们以为他们的屁股会像酒一样陈年,如果你的意思是它会变成醋,它会的,如果你的意思是它会越来越好 它不会!

EN: Well, there's this passage I got memorized, sort of fits this occasion. Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the Valley of Darkness for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger. those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee!
CN: 有一段我记得 有些适合这个场合,《以西结书》25章17节,正直之人的道路…四处被利己者的不公及恶人的暴政所笼罩,以仁慈和善良之名佑护他,引领弱小穿越黑暗之谷,因他确是其兄弟的守护者及迷路孩童的发现者,而我将以极大复仇及激烈怒火击倒汝等,那些意图毒害和毁灭我兄弟之人,而你将知晓我的名即是天主,待我降下仇恨于汝等之时!

EN: Fuck pride! Pride only hurts. It never helps.
CN: 操他妈的自尊!自尊只会伤人…它从不帮人。

EN: Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable? I don't know, but it's a good question. That's when you know you've found somebody really special. when you can just shut the fuck up for a minute and comfortably share a silence.
CN: 不自在的沉默。为什么我们会觉得有必要 为了自在而废话不停呢?我不知道,不过是个好问题,就是说,当你知道自己找到了某个真正特别的人,那时才能他妈的闭一会儿嘴,一起自在地沉默。

EN: Hey, Vincente, Don't you see that? That shit don't matter You're judging this shit the wrong way. I mean, it could be God stopped the bullets or he changed Coke to Pepsi he found my fucking car keys. You don't judge shit like this based on merit. Now, whether or not what we experienced was an According to Hoyle miracle is insignificant. but what is significant...is I felt the touch of God. God got involved. But why?
CN: 你看不出来吗?这都不重要,你评判此事的方法错了,我是说,有可能是上帝阻止了子弹,或他把可口可乐变成百事,他找到了我他妈的车钥匙,你不能用价值观来评判这种事,听好,我们经历的是不是惯例规定的神迹,这无关紧要,真正要紧的…是我感觉到了上帝的接触,上帝干预了,但为什么呢?

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