Powwow Highway

Powwow Highway

Powwow Highway (Original Title)

Two Northern Cheyenne men take a road trip from Montana to New Mexico to bail out the sister of one of them who has been framed and arrested in Santa Fe. On the way, they begin to reconnect to their spiritual heritage.


EN: I know what you side you're on. 75 percent of our people living below the poverty line, and you tell us that stripping off what's left of our natural resources is going to change that. Maybe you better tell us something different. This ain't the American Dream we're living. This here's the third world!
CN: 你站哪边我最清楚,75%的族人生活在贫困线以下,你们却说掠夺我们的土地资源能够改变这一切,最好你能说点新鲜的,“美国梦”里没有我们,这里是第三世界。

EN: Here's a quote from Dull Knife. He once told my great uncle Benny Looks Twice. He said, "Keep your pony out of my garden."
CN: 想起一句钝刀酋长说过的,是跟我叔祖父本尼·看两眼说的,他说:“别把你的马停在我家院子里”。

EN: The sacred mountain where Light Cloud got his power. Uncle Fred calls it "sweet butte".
CN: 祥云就是在那座圣山得到神力的,我叔叔管他叫“蜜丘”。

EN: His wife screamed at him. "Stupid dog of a dog! Those plums are still on the tree. You worthless fool of a husband chasing shadows while the truth hangs over your head."
CN: 他老婆冲他嚷到,“你是真的狗!李子都在河边树上呢,你个没用的玩意,追着倒影 而真相就在你头上”。

EN: Man. They're hungry. They want our coal and our oil and our uranium, and they're gonna take it! Wherever it is.
CN: 那些白人有欲望,想要我们土地上的煤、石油和铀,并且肯定会拿到,不管是谁的土地。

EN: We are Cheyenne. All the shit of the world could not change that.
CN: 我们是夏安人,世上再糟也改变不了这个。

♪ Long as I remember ♪
♪ the rain been comin' down ♪
♪ Clouds of mystery pourin' ♪
♪ confusion on the ground. ♪
♪ Good men through the ages ♪
♪ tryin' to find the sun. ♪
♪ And I wonder ♪
♪ still I wonder ♪
♪ who'll stop the rain. ♪
♪ I went down Virginia ♪
♪ seekin' shelter from the storm ♪
♪ Caught up in the fable ♪
♪ I watched the tower grow ♪
♪ Five year plans and new deals ♪
♪ wrapped in golden chains. ♪
♪ And I wonder ♪
♪ still I wonder ♪
♪ who'll stop the rain ♪
♪ 打我记事起 ♪
♪ 雨就一直下 ♪
♪ 波谲云诡的迷团 ♪
♪ 泼下不解的雨 ♪
♪ 善良的人们一直在 ♪
♪ 苦苦寻找太阳 ♪
♪ 而我想知道 ♪
♪ 一直想知道 ♪
♪ 谁能让雨停 ♪
♪ 我去了佛吉尼亚 ♪
♪ 寻找遮风挡雨的地方 ♪
♪ 却被困在寓言里 ♪
♪ 看着城堡在加高 ♪
♪ 五年计划和新政 ♪
♪ 都被缠上了金锁链 ♪
♪ 而我想知道 ♪
♪ 一直想知道 ♪
♪ 谁能让雨停 ♪

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