

Orangelove (Original Title)

The pouring rain leads to a marriage that is both ordinary and a little different. Roman, a photographer with a slightly decadent air, and Katja, a lonely redhead studying the cello, meet on an empty bus, where their bare ankles and similar circumstances make them instantly recognisable and they soon fall in love. They move into an isolated flat, cut off from phone lines, doorbells and all contact with the outside world, and manage their love in this decaying square of space.


EN: Today is my first day without her. It's so cold. I'm ashamed of every breath without her. I steal every one. And again and again...No, that's not me. It's just a reason for a photograph. That's how that day began.
CN: 今天是没有她的第一天,好冷,每个呼吸都让我惭愧,我偷拍每个人,一次又一次,没她,我照活。不,那不是我,那只是拍照的理由,那天就这样展开。

EN: I'm going crazy about him, you know? During sex, she never closes her eyes. You know that kind of look...She's very strong. I'm even afraid sometimes.
CN: 我真的迷死他了,做爱时,她从不闭眼睛,你知道那种神情,她很坚定,我甚至会怕。

EN: In matters of housing, definitely not. Although, for those who believe in miracles... 
CN: 奇迹不会发生,找房子时不会,不过相信奇迹的人呢…

EN: I stopped believing a long time ago in all these free apartments, trips to the Canary Islands, dollars...and you know why? Because in any country, in any city, in any spot on the globe you ought to remember one thing: "Free cheese can be only in a mousetrap." All these stories end very simply - You get your money taken away, that's all. Stupidly, cynically, routinely.
CN: 我早就不相信免费房子…免费旅行送美金…你知道为什么?因为在任何国家、城市,无论到哪都该记住没有白吃的午餐,结局总是钱被骗光,愚蠢可笑老套。

EN: 我也走了。
I gave him a piano. The piano was delivered in the rain in that container. That day we found out he had AIDS. Every morning he nailed a board to the window. When the window did I.
CN: 我送他一架钢琴,钢琴在雨中送到,那天我们发现他得了爱滋,他每天在窗上钉一块板子,窗户消失时,我也走了。

EN: I have been everywhere. I've been photographing since I was 16. I look for interesting faces all over the world. People are interested in what they cannot see. Things that arouse keen interest. War for instance.
CN: 我跑遍各地,我16岁起玩摄影,到处寻找有趣面孔,人都想看自己看不见的,能激发强烈兴趣的,例如战争。

EN: That's why, if you want the viewer to feel a little sad, you yourself must weep over the photo...
CN: 你希望看的人感到心酸,自己就得为照片哭泣。

EN: How you quiet, like the sea in the morning. The same that you do. In the morning it's so quiet, and then it becomes louder and louder...
CN: 你的呼吸…好沉静,像早上的海,在早上很安静,然后越来越大声。

EN: Look at her! She's decided everything! It's me that's decided! I wondered, why she like those ribbed condoms so much!
CN: 她都决定好了!被决定的是我,难怪她那么爱螺纹保险套。

EN: Well, let us trust in fortune. So, let's play: zero or one. Life or death.
CN: 让我们相信命运吧,开始吧:无或有,生或死。

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